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GH Spoilers: Austin’s Secret Finally Revealed

General Hospital: Austin Gatlin HoltGeneral Hospital spoilers reveal fans finally learning more about what Austin Holt has really been up to.  While Austin Gatlin Holt was introduced to the Port Charles scene as the second man to deliver one of Maxie Jones’ (Kirsten Storms) baby in the woods, he was soon revealed to be a Quartermaine as his father was Jimmy Lee Holt (last played by Steve Bond), the illegitimate son of Edward Quartermaine.

General Hospital Spoilers – Austin Holt Has A Mystery Friend

Austin tried to get some ELQ shares that were rightfully his, but Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) blackmailed him with HIPAA laws and he decided he’d rather be a doctor than a corporate raider.

Since then, Austin has been pretty boring as the man devoted to Maxie doing not much more than dating her — until they spent a night back in those woods camping and it was clear there was more to Austin than meets they eye (aside from him looking exactly like Franco Baldwin). He met someone there and we are about to find out who.

GH Spoilers – Austin Holt’s Mystery Friend Revealed

A man we didn’t see met Austin in the woods when he was camping with Maxie, but she did not see him and we only saw the back of his head. A few weeks later, when they were at open mic night on The Haunted Star, we did see the man and Austin was told that a woman wanted him back where he belonged and that his time in Port Charles was up.

This week we find out the man’s name is Mason and he is Austin’s cousin. Mason, played by Nathanyael Grey, wants Austin back in Pautuck where he was raised but Austin doesn’t want to return. He wants to live his own life and be with Maxie, and he certainly wants his family to leave Maxie alone.

What could Austin’s secret really be? Is this his mother’s side of the family and did they send Austin to Port Charles on some revenge plot we know nothing about or does this cousin have to do with Jimmy Lee, a character we haven’t seen in decades. Hopefully, GH doesn’t take too much longer to reveal more about Austin as it takes so long for other reveals. Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see how this story plays out.

  1. lbc says

    Here we go once again. Someone being blamed for something they really didn’t do. Carly tried to save Nelle and Esme fell backward trying to elude Ava’s attack. When Esme went over the railing, Ava didn’t have a hand on her the way I saw and have reviewed it several times. Writers can’t seem to find a plausible way to rid canvas of their beloved villains.

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