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Royal Family News: Brands Afraid to Work With Meghan Markle, Nervous She Will Turn On Them

British royal family news reveals that just as Meghan Markle shares more of herself with the world, the world likes her less and less—according to at least one royal expert willing to go on the record.

Meghan’s livelihood, ie, her “financial freedom,” depends on her employability. The bad news is that she and Harry have done nothing for Netflix in two years and their Spotify podcast is barely launched. And, it’s only Meghan who is talking on it, where is Harry?

Royal Family News – Where Is Harry These Days?

Meghan has dropped several of the Archetypes podcast, enough to give people a sense of whether to give thumbs up or thumbs down. Ironically, as she continues to rant, especially against past employers, she may be digging a hole with future employers.

According to royal expert Neil Sean, the Duchess of Sussex must sell herself somehow, some way, after she and Harry threw away their tiaras for America. Stating the obvious, he says that she needs to be likeable in order to build her brand. This is where the issue lays according to Sean (and Whoopi Goldberg, and past coworkers, and seemingly anyone who has dared listen to her for more than a hot minute). Is Meghan simply unlikeable?

Royal Family News: Brands Afraid to Work With Meghan Markle, Nervous She Will Turn On Them

Royal Family News – Is Meghan Unlikeable?

Sean thinks Meghan is not making it easy for employers to want to hire her. As CheatSheet notes, “some of the things she said will cause brands to hesitate to work with her.”

So far she has dragged her partnerships with Vanity Fair and Deal or No Deal and this could result in her being “unemployable.” You would think the PR dream team she has would be able to help a girl out, but nada.

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Sean says Meghan doing multiple interviews where she talks about, “one problem after another,” isn’t a good look. “According to him, she’s spending a lot of time discussing things that went wrong and how she was treated poorly … You can’t seem to keep up. It does seem to be one problem after another.” Victimhood 101?

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Sean isn’t just blowing hot air, either. He said that his sources tell him, “people will be very scared to take her on because seemingly at some point she will turn around and bite you. And that’s the problem. You know, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you are. If they feel that you’re really documenting this experience for later use to portray yourself in a totally different light.”

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  1. Lela says

    Meghan Markle is a social climber which has come to a halt still since she has married a Prince. Now, she is building her fame. I strongly believe she will step on anyone to get where she wants to be/become. Money and fame is her target. She will use her husband and kids to get what she feels she is entitled. Meghan is a flatterer and friend to her prey until she gets what she wants from them, then trashes them. She doesn’t even care if she gets caught as long as she continues to get public attention. Her brand has no honorable’s her selective truth. She is not a humanitarian..she used this to get her husband. She is not a feminist…she has always depended on a man to to further her career. She is not an activist…she hasn’t even done anything to help anyone except get her picture taken on the scene. She uses and abuses. If I were doing business with her, I would get out as quickly as possible.

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