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How Meghan Markle Blew It, Hellbent On Being A Star Now Successful in Delusion

 How Meghan Markle Blew It, Hellbent On Being A Star Now Successful in DelusionBritish royal family news reveals a secret about Meghan Markle: she was fixated on being “a superstar” before she and Pauper Prince Harry fled from the monarchy. These two traitors “stepped down” as senior working royals in 2020 in search of a fast buck—or as they colloquially termed it, “financial freedom.”

How’s that working out for the Walmart Duchess? Let’s just say that for four years she’s been looking for love in all the wrong places. Meghan, the “Suits” alum, has been grasping for the kind of fame and fortune she walked away from in the monarchy and will never find now that her reputation is on a level with Skunky Pumpers (who wouldn’t hire her either).

Royal News – Meghan And Her Fame

Royal commentator Jane Barr doubles down on the assertion that the Discount Duchess had stars in her eyes when she left the UK for Tinseltown.

She wrote in her From Berkshire to Buckingham newsletter: “[Meghan] would not have been happy with the ultimately quiet or truly independent/non-royal lives that William and Harry’s cousins actually live.”

“Looking back to Megxit, Harry was not just the grandson of the queen, the same relationship all his cousins had to the sovereign, he was the son of the future king.” Meghan wasn’t bright enough to figure that out?

One poster summed it up: “Shes some “superstar” alright- superstar of being a complete failure over the last 4 years.

Four rebrands, several PR changes, split from Spotify, lemonada getting nothing, a lifestyle brand website with no tester products since its launch, a tour in the company of wanted fugitives, a husband that needs his milk bottle every minute as the worlds biggest man child. Yep, she sure is successful in delusion.”

Royal Family News – Meghan Blew It

The pundit added that the crackers notion of being “half in, half out” royals was Dumbarton, plain and simpleton: “William and Harry were — from birth — preeminent royals, while their cousins, although celebrated, surely, began as secondary royals and only continued to fade as the years went by.”

And yet “Harry seems so bitter about being the spare, but he has always been quite senior to his cousins, and treated accordingly.” They say hindsight is 20/20.

Royal Family News – Harry Was Bigger Than He Thought

Today, instead of being royal superstars, Meghan has a trail of failed ventures in her wake and no one will touch her with a ten foot pool. Remember when she claimed she would be the Face of Dior?

Last year she signed with talent agency WME but no one has stepped up to claim her talent. Instead, Meghan is peddling a suspect rebrand named American Riviera Orchard (say that five times fast) through which she’s trying to sell strawberry jam.

Right now there is nothing to buy from Meghan’s ARO even if you wanted to. Her website is bleeding followers by the day and claims that she would “make a whopping seven-figure sum within the first year of launching the brand” look foolish. Just like Meghan. Even Wallis Simpson didn’t fall this far, bless her heart.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins /

1 Comment
  1. Ananda says

    She’s a joke here in America. I don’t believe anyone here even gives her a 2nd thought. Haz-been always looks so surly that I don’t think anyone would approach him either. They’re both losers in our eyes – biggest losers in Hollywood, biggest losers in England & biggest losers In the RF. Their fake excursions around the World makes them losers & posers as it were. They might as well go live in Africa where maybe meme gain could be a queenw & hazbeen a king! Then they can win & maybe find their senses!

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