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Meghan Markle Is Making The Same Mistake That Kate Middleton Made In Her Marriage

Meghan Markle Is Making The Same Mistake That Kate Middleton Made In Her MarriageSometimes a pregnancy doesn’t solve problems in a marriage. Instead, it makes things even worse. Yet, both Meghan Markle and even Kate Middleton don’t seem to understand that.

Meghan Markle – Is Making The Same Mistake That Kate Middleton Made In Her Marriage

There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests Meghan Markle seems to be following in Kate Middleton’s footsteps in thinking that getting pregnant with a third child might solve her problems in her marriage to Prince Harry.

But if it didn’t work for Kate Middleton when she got pregnant with Prince Louis, then it certainly will not happen for the Duchess of Sussex, either.

For years it was speculated that Kate Middleton’s marriage had just as many lowlights as it did highlights with her husband, Prince William. There were even some rumors of infidelity. 

And while there certainly was a short period of happiness when Prince Louis was born, that didn’t make anything easier for Kate or William for that matter. 

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Instead of a stressful marriage with two children, they were now in a stressful marriage with three children.

And the same will certainly apply to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, should they bring another member of their family into this world.

But clearly, Meghan Markle doesn’t think this same way. She thinks that getting pregnant will magically make all of her problems with Prince Harry go away. But her critics know that it won’t.

Several reports have suggested that Prince Harry has been so miserable at home in California that he’s seriously been thinking about moving back to the UK.

And that’s where Meghan Markle is trying to step in. She doesn’t want Harry back in the UK and that’s why she’s trying to trap him by getting pregnant again.

Now, whether or not his plan will work remains to be seen but we will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

So far the Duchess of Sussex herself has not made any comments about her future plans just yet.

Tell us, Celebrating the Soaps fans, what do you think of all the buzz in this story? Let us know by dropping us a line below.

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  1. Greta Ranum says


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