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King Charles Threatens Prince Harry With Consequences Unless He Shuts His Mouth

British royal family news reveals that Prince Harry has been bottom-lined about his loose lips and the warning comes from the top of the monarchy—his father King Charles. Harry has made a name for himself bad mouthing his family and his star has fallen because of it.

In particular, his memoir Spare was especially nasty and spilled all sorts of secrets about his loved ones. According to one royal expert, Charles has had enough and warned his feral son to cease and desist. Here’s what to know about this explosive situation.

Royal Family News – Has Charles Put Harry On Blast?

According to royal pundit Tom Quinn, the royals were furious with all of the dirty laundry aired in Harry’s self-titled 2023 memoir.

They weren’t exactly pleased with Harry’s juvenile rants in his interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, nor with Harry and Meghan’s taunts in their Netflix reality show, Harry & Meghan.

Quinn told The Mirror that King Charles was dismayed at the way Prince Harry whined and ranted in Spare, taking particular aim at his stepmother, Queen Camilla, and the next-in-line, Princess Catherine and Prince William.

Harry accused William of being a balding assaulter, shared Kate’s private texts, and complained about Charles marrying Camilla.

InStyle reports that Quinn alleges that Harry has been asked directly by his father not to write or say publicly anything further about the family or his brother that might cause trouble.” Good luck with that.

Royal Family News – Will Harry Obey His Father’s Wishes?

Quinn noted: “Everyone knows that when a King asks you to do something, there are going to be consequences if you do not obey.”

Quinn went on to say that Prince Harry was acting like a child, trying to get his family’s attention by talking about their issues.

His complaints have garnered attention all right, but of the negative variety. For example, Harry and Meghan have never been lower in public opinion polls taken by YouGov.

Royal Family News – King Charles Asked Harry To Stop Complaining

Harry has been adamant that the royals owe him and Meghan an apology but he has a funny way of going about getting what he wants.

As Quinn explained “Harry just can’t see that complaining in private might work. Complaining publicly just makes things worse and, in Harry’s case, that means more and more ties to his past being severed.”

Quinn is not wrong. Case in point: Harry’s absence at the royal event of the year, Trooping the Colour. Tell us royal fans, do you think Harry will learn from this snub?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Simon Ward Photography /

1 Comment
  1. Greta Ranum says

    What a horrible way to make $$$$$

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