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Young and the Restless Spoilers: A Christmas Gift Upsets Lola, Breaks Up With Kyle

Young and the Restless Spoilers: A Christmas Gift Upsets Lola, Breaks Up With KyleThe Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers tease Lola (Sasha Calle) and Kyle (Michael Mealor) exchange Christmas gifts and it leads to one heck of a conflict. Kyle gives Lola a purse and she gives him a nice (used) watch. He likes her gift even though he just bought an expensive watch for himself. Lola decides to look up how much the purse cost and when she does, she goes through the roof and decides to end her relationship with Kyle.

Gift Exchange

For their first Christmas together, Kyle and Lola exchange gifts. Lola takes time to find him the perfect watch. She couldn’t afford to buy a new one so she purchases a gently used one. Kyle appreciates her gift and he loved the look on her face when she saw her beautiful new handbag.

Later, Lola discovers the purse is a designer brand and cost thousands of dollars. She berates Kyle, stating that he must not know her at all if he thinks that she would like a purse worth so much money. She knows the value of money and she could never use such an item. Of course, Kyle is confused and he isn’t sure why she is so upset with him.

The Breakup

Instead of hashing the disagreement out like an adult, Lola ends her relationship with Kyle over the expensive gift. She said that she cannot be with him if he will not try to know her and know what she likes. Kyle is stumped by her behavior and he isn’t sure how to fix it.

The Y&R writers are setting up the scene for a love triangle between Kyle, Lola, and Fen (Zach Tinker). Do you think Lola overreacted by breaking up over a Christmas gift? Don’t forget to come back for more The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers, news, and casting updates!

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  1. Judy says

    They are actually a cute couple. Kerry and Jack are ridiculous. He’s a father figure.

  2. Guest says

    Yes I love these two together I don’t know why any of the couples can’t just be happy for once. Kyle and Lola adds spice to the show and they just got started dating and now the writer is tearing them apart, how sad .

  3. Guest says

    I can’t stand the entire Rosales Family! Send them all back to Miami! Bring back PAUL!! Lola wants to be understood, but why is it a one-way Street? How about she do a little understanding herself?! She knew he was a gazillionaire when she met him, so all of a sudden she’s going to demand he not be who he s or shop as he usually does?! Where’s HER understanding of who he is and how he does life? It’s totally ok that she’d rather not have such extravagance and would prefer something more understated and within her budget comforts, but to be angry and demanding and declarative that he doesn’t understand her so they’re through? What is she, 12 years old having a tantrum?! Very immature, too immature to be in a serious relationship, that’s for sure! Anyway, get rid of all of them: Arturo, Rey, Mia, Lola… And I agree with Judy: Kerry and Jack? She’s in her 30’s! Jack is old enough to be her Dad!!! It’s creepy…

    1. Guest says

      Please send them back to Miami or somewhere!!!!! Can’t stand any of them!

    2. Guest says

      I agree..don’t like any of their storylines, seems so fake

  4. Guest says

    yes. No to fen. Stupid name

  5. Guest says

    Yes, I think they are really cute as a couple! Fen is arrogant. I don’t want him with Lola!

  6. Guest says

    Yes, I like them together. Lola overreacted over the purse. She should tell him why.

  7. SWCollins says

    They make a cute couple. I don’t know why she is so upset over the purse she knows that she is dating an Abbott and they have lots of money.

  8. prayerlady says

    No Kyle is a playboy who wanted to see if he could get someone who not in his league. Think that Fen would be a better match for him

  9. Guest says

    Yes I like them together. They are cute and Lola is good for Kyle.

  10. Guest says

    Yes, they are a cute couple. Lola is immature and overly sensitive about her financial status. She knows who she is dating …. Girlfriend, he’s crazy about you … enjoy!

  11. Guest says

    I love Lola and Kyle together. If the purse bothers her take it back and get something else. She wouldn’t act that way if they were married and he was buying them a house.

  12. Guest says

    Miss Lola needs to get over herself ! Where are your” manners” young lady on how to accept a gift , no matter what the price is ?? She knew Kyle comes from ”rich” family …. what young girl wouldn’t want a beautiful handbag , right?? Just take the beautiful gift gracefully !! Poor Kyle has got his hands full – grow up and get some manners Lola !!

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