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Meghan Markle Can’t Get Over The Burn She Got From Taylor Swift

Meghan Markle Can’t Get Over The Burn She Got From Taylor SwiftThis has got to hurt and in more ways than one. There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests Meghan Markle can’t get over the burn she got from Taylor Swift.

And to make matters worse, it seems like Taylor seems to be on Team Prince William as she took a now viral selfie with him and his kids to celebrate his birthday.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Can’t Get Over The Burn She Got From Taylor Swift

For Meghan Markle, this couldn’t be any worse. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

The future king of England might have had the best birthday yet thanks to Taylor Swift, but half way around the world Meghan Markle can’t stand the sight of him having a good time with one of the biggest pop stars in the world.

Not only that, but Prince William also brought along two out of his three children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. They too looked delighted to have met with Taylor Swift just as much as their father did.

That’s mostly because Meghan tried to work with Taylor in the past. As many royal fans can recall, the Duchess of Sussex invited Taylor to appear in her now-canceled Spotify podcast.

However, the chart topper refused the invite, but didn’t give a reason as to why she couldn’t show up.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Is Utterly Jealous Of The Taylor Swift Selfie

And now seeing Taylor Swift together with Prince William has to hurt, and in more ways than one.

One source close to the situation even put it this way, “There is great video of them singing with Jon Bon Jovi at a charity event. Now, remember, Meghan Markle had requested for Taylor to be her podcast.”

“She wrote her a handwritten letter and Taylor’s team rejected it. Megan also later released through People magazine that she had spent some time at a Taylor Swift concert.”

“So I think we are seeing our Taylor side with Team Wales here over the last few hours.”

Taylor Swift herself has not made any comments about the matter but the looks on everyone’s faces in the selfie is doing all the talking for them.

In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television and The British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: Mr Pics /

  1. Debby says

    What goes out, comes back 10 fold. It’s called KARMA

  2. Maria says

    Why are supposed to feel sorry for her when Superstars don’t want anything to do with her but will gladly do and support the Prince and Princess of Wales and the King and Queen of Great Britain? She and her husband got butt hurt and left they could’ve had all of this if they would have worked it out and stayed. They decided to run away and complained out loud and told proven lies. Now A-listers and Superstars want nothing to do with them. Time for them to grow up and face the truth not “their truth!!”

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