B&B Spoilers: Could Hope End Up Pregnant With Thomas’ Baby?

The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers suggest that Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) could end up pregnant with Thomas Forrester’s (Matthew Atkinson) baby. Fans have a feeling that it’ll turn into a “Who the Daddy?” type of storyline. Keep on reading for the new details.

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B&B Spoilers: Hope & Thomas Caught In The Act

The Bold and the Beautiful released its preview for the week of July 10th. Hope and Thomas end up in bed together. Hope tells Thomas that her marriage to Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) is over. However, she wants a man who wants her.

The preview on the Facebook page shows the pair in bed together. Hope is caught by her mom Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang). Once again, her mom is meddling in her romantic affairs. This was Hope’s chance to explore her sexuality and desires with a man who isn’t Liam.

When they’re laying in bed together, Hope tells Thomas that she wants to keep this a secret. Then, her mom walks in and sees them in bed together. It’s unclear how Brooke got into Thomas’ new place. B&B fans are wondering how she broke into his house in the first place.

Some didn’t want Hope’s mom to find out this soon. Rather, they should’ve allowed Thope to process their feelings for one another before Brooke got involved. Fans want to know how Brooke knew that Hope was at Thomas’s house.

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Was she there to talk to him about kissing her daughter in Rome? Did she show up at his house to keep him away from Hope? New details will emerge as the week progresses.

Hope may be attracted to Thomas, but her true desires lie in having a marriage and a family. Does this mean that she will start a family with Thomas?

The Bold and the Beautiful: Will There Be a WTD Storyline?

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers suggest there could be a “Who the Daddy?” storyline. Hope steamed up her marriage with Liam long before she kissed Thomas.

She used her husband to get over her desires for Thomas, but it obviously didn’t work. Fans on the Soap Central forums have a feeling Hope will find out she’s pregnant after she sleeps with Thomas.

Some fans want Thomas to be the father of Hope’s next child. It’s been a long time coming for the show to do a pregnancy storyline.

Fans have a feeling that it could happen and it will be Thomas’ baby. What do you think? Do you see Hope getting pregnant with Thomas’ baby? Sound off below in the comment section.

As always, check back for more B&B spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Cindy

    Hope needs to get away from cry baby Liam, he’s a wimp … …Thomas and Hope would do well together as long as Thomas stays the way he is now, doesn’t go goofy again …..Steffy needs to smack that punk Liam right in the face, she doesn’t even look good talking to him anymore, she has a real man finally and she’d better realize that …GO AWAY LIAM !!!!

  • Patricia Nicholl

    Please let it be Thomas’ baby. Let them get married and be happy!

  • Terri

    I agree with everything Cindy said 100% .

  • Monica

    Cindy, I completely agree with everything you said. Yes go away Liam…I hope he does something scandalous with Taylor. I’m sick of her too.

  • Monica

    Brooke needs to mind her business and try to hang on to Mr. Will flip, Ridge.

  • Diane

    Definitely want Hope with Thomas. There is no chemistry with boring cry baby Liam!

  • Sherry longerbeam

    I feel it’s about time for Hope to wake up. Liam wants STEFFY and Hope.. Hope needs someone that is for her. Let this new story line go forward. Let Thomas & Hope experiment with their feelings. Keep Brook out of Hope’s mind. Let this story line develop. Go forward with this line of new blood.

    • Dystany Graves

      Sherry longer beam Totally agree! I really hope we get to see hope and Thomas explore the feelings having some spicy and fun scenes and maybe a bar scene fingers crossed we get a thope baby .

  • Tay

    hope and Thomas make a great couple and family

  • Dystany Graves

    I’m Team Thomas and hope If they do pregnant storyline fingers crossed that Thomas is the dad let it be over between hope and liam liam has enough kids kelly and beth yes they have douglas but he’s not hope’s biological son so please let’s get a baby thope this time.

  • Dystany Graves

    I’m team Thomas and hope I really hope we get pregnant a storyline and hope ends up pregnant with Thomas baby liam has a enough kids already he has beth and kelly Thomas has douglas but he’s not biological hopes so I want a thope baby.

  • Dystany Graves

    Team Thomas and hope! I really hope we get a thope baby storyline Thomas has only douglas and he’s not biological hopes and liam has enough kids I want a baby thope.

  • Dystany Graves

    Sherry longer beam I really hope that hope breaks away from brooke controlling her life and choices it’s time for that relationship to be done hope to set boundaries when it comes to her life I would love to see a Bridget side of hope moving forward fingers crossed hope gets pregnant by Thomas.