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But Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) is teased to have a conversation with Brooke as well. Bill’s backstory with Brooke is more current and far less scandalous, making him the odds-on pick to revive a relationship with her, as compared to Deacon.
Brooke has yet to even discuss divorce. Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) might remain her husband or, if not, then two potential rebound choices exist.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Yes, It Would Be A Rebound
If Ridge decides that Logan is too much for him at this time in his life, he will ask Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor) to draw up the dissolution of marriage paperwork.
That process would be starkly different than a heavily inebriated Ridge claimed, through the Las Vegas, Nevada haze, that he wanted to divorce Brooke and marry Shauna Fulton (Denise Richards) on the strip at a cheesy wedding chapel that Richard’s character’s friend headed. Those scenes were quirky fun, with the convoluted nature of them, and the length of the last sentence intended.
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A move back to Bill would reflect a rebound to her most recent husband before Ridge. Brooke was married to Diamont’s character in 2018, divorced him, and remarried Ridge.
B&B Spoilers – Deacon Sharpe Is Beneath Her?
Some or maybe many, if the subjective volume is being considered, may believe Deacon is below Brooke’s station in life. Others, like Ridge’s other true love, Taylor Hayes (Krista Allen), Steffy Forrester Finnegan (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), and Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson).
Hope Spencer (Annika Noelle) believed that Ridge is the man her mother loves the most. But, if Ridge ends the marriage, and Deacon becomes an option, then Hope is likely to shift support to her father.
Deacon is not below Brooke. Instead, they are arguably more similar than Brooke is to Ridge.
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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Katie Logan Tells Bill No, Again
Katie Logan (Heather Tom) has already told Bill, on repeated occasions, that she does not want to reconcile. He has repeatedly broken her trust, which is somewhat comparable to how Ridge feels about Brooke.
So, unless Katie changes her mind, Bill will not be able to make his hoped-for family reconciliation plan happen. If Brooke becomes single through Ridge’s choice, Bill becomes Deacon’s competition instead of Kaye’s character. While seemingly unlikely, Brooke could always choose to remain single in hopes of reconciling with Ridge.
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