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Stephanie Forrester (Susan Flannery) looks on glumly. She knows the truth about Brooke’s affair with Deacon Sharpe (Sean Kanan). Megan Conley (Maeve Quinlan) gives Brooke a gift certificate for massages so she can relax and enjoy her new beginning.
Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Whip and Deacon Continue To Bicker Over Brooke
Whip Jones (Rick Hearst) believes it’s a big deal that the Forrester women, including Taylor Forrester (Hunter Tylo) and Kristen Forrester (Tracy Melchoir), are attending Brooke’s shower. Deacon says the only reason Stephanie is attending is because Bridget begged her to.
A smug Whip retorts that Brooke is committed to their marriage and, because of him, Brooke will finally get the respect she deserves. Would anyone attend the party if they knew the baby was Deacon’s? Deacon says respect has to be earned, not given. Brooke isn’t a brown-noser like Whip.
Whip says this is the end of the line. Brooke sees how happy Bridget is about the baby. Brooke will never betray her daughter at this point.
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Stephanie gives Brooke a vintage baby book to remind her of her wonderful life and family with Whip and the baby. She says babies aren’t about the past, they’re about the future. Stephanie admits that, although Brooke will never stop getting herself into preposterous situations, she’ll always be a good mother. She respects Brooke for putting her children’s needs above her own. Brooke sees through Stephanie’s niceties and realizes she’s just subtly reminding Brooke that she could never tell Bridget the truth and start a life with Deacon and the baby.
Deacon believes Whip is prolonging the inevitable. The truth will come out that Deacon is the baby’s father.
Whip asks Megan if Deacon was skulking around the shower. He wants Deacon to leave Broke alone. Megan tells Whip not to worry. Brooke won’t give away the secret. Whip isn’t so sure. Deacon is a wild card.
Bold and the Beautiful Spoiler Updates: Bridget Busts Brooke And Deacon
After the party, the Forrester ladies admire the nursey. Brooke tells them how lucky she is to have them in her life. Bridget tells a guilty Brooke that she’s grateful they’re friends. Bridget knows she can always trust her mother.
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Erica Lovejoy (Courtnee Draper) finds the baby monitor and eavesdrops on the emotional conversation in the nursery.
When the guests leave, Deacon finds Brooke in the nursery. Brooke reminds him how amazing her daughter is. Bridget comes looking for Deacon and overhears their conversation via the baby monitor. Deacon tells Brooke that she and the baby deserve better than Whip. Bridget listens in horror as Deacon tells Brooke that Whip will never love Brooke as much as he does.