Bold and the Beautiful Recap & Spoilers Wednesday June 3: Steffy And Hope Bury The Hatchet, Brooke And Taylor’s Epic Cake Brawl

Brooke and Taylor cake fight, bold and the beautiful spoilersOn Wednesday, June 3, 2020, Classic Clashes Week continues on The Bold & the Beautiful with a wedding cake wrestling match at Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) and Liam Spencer’s (Scott Clifton) wedding reception in 2018.

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Hope and Liam share a kiss as husband and wife as Brooke Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Taylor Hayes (Hunter Tylo) shoot each other dirty looks. Wyatt Spencer (Darin Brooks) toasts to the couple, wishing them a lifetime of happiness. Bridget Forrester (Ashley Jones) is excited for her baby sister and toasts to dreams coming true. Great-Aunts Donna Logan (Jennifer Gareis) and Katie Logan (Heather Tom) can’t wait to meet the newest Logan baby and promise to always be there for Hope.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Steffy Wishes Liam and Hope Well At Their Wedding

Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) wishes them well. Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) graciously wishes the newlyweds nothing but the best. Hope believes they can all put their differences aside and make it work.

Taylor has something she needs to say. Brooke tells her they don’t have time for Taylor’s histrionics and asks Donna to turn on the music.

Pam Douglas (Alley Mills) and Charlie Webber (Dick Christie) put the finishing touches on the cake. Brooke and Taylor chase them out of the kitchen so they can talk. Taylor says the wedding was a mistake and should never have happened. Steffy and her daughter are out in the cold and no one cares. Hope wouldn’t be pregnant and married to the father of Steffy’s baby if it hadn’t been for the manipulations of Bill Spencer (Don Diamont). Taylor claims that Brooke destroyed their family. Brooke calls Taylor bitter and jealous.

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Next On CBS Bold and Beautiful: Taylor Forrester And Brooke Logan Cake Battle Erupts

Taylor says that the wedding cake represents everything Brooke has stolen from her daughter. Taylor swipes a hunk of the wedding cake and smooshes it in Brooke’s face, laughing hysterically. Brooke smashes the top layer on Taylor’s head. The rivals scream at each other, destroying the cake as they chase each other around the kitchen.

Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) thanks Wyatt for bringing her to the wedding. Xander Avant (Adain Bradley) asks Emma Barber (Nia Sioux) what she thinks of her first Forrester wedding. She says that she was warned there could be drama, but everyone seems chill.

Thorne Forrester (Ingo Rademacher) and Katie have a good track record at weddings—sharing their first kiss at Ridge and Brooke’s wedding. They kiss again.

Steffy tells Liam she is really happy for him. She doesn’t want any more conflict. Hope and Steffy realize that their moms are alone together in the kitchen and decide to investigate. They find a disaster scene and their mothers covered in cake. Taylor admits that she started it and ruined the cake because Brooke ruined their lives. They apologize for letting anger get the best of them.

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Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers & Updates: Steffy and Hope Bury The Hatchet

Hope and Steffy make Taylor and Steffy take a walk of shame through their reception. Brooke and Taylor apologize for letting their guests down. Steffy is concerned about her mother’s mental state.

Liam laughs and assures Brooke she didn’t ruin the wedding. Ridge takes a taste of Brooke and says the cake is almost as sweet as her. Brooke is proud of Steffy and Hope for being more mature than she and Taylor are. Ridge and Brooke make out.

Liam and Hope spend the night by a roaring fire at the cabin. Although they haven’t been able to plan a honeymoon, she unveils a sexy piece of lingerie. They reminisce about their lives together and make love.

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