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But Brooke’s sense is being countered after the fact by her many-time husband, Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye). He was a witness to what happened and withheld judgment until after Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) was fighting for his life in the hospital.
Ridge was well aware that his wife did not trust Thomas. She’d been on his son for weeks because his pursuit of her daughter didn’t sit well.
Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – His Son Was Fixated On Hope Forrester
Why would Thomas return from New York, following the death of Caroline Spencer (Linsey Godfrey), and then immediately fixate on Hope’s plight in believing that she’d lost Beth Spencer (Madeline Valdez and River Davidson)? Brooke believed that Thomas was capitalizing on the situation, while having no idea that he was also exploiting it in the most incredible manner.
Seeing Thomas tussling with Hope near the edge of the cliff house property caused panic. Brooke believed that his past mental health issues were never dealt with properly, or had reemerged. The answer to that lingering issue is one that needs to be given within B&B’s engaging storyline.
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The exchange Ridge had with Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) inside Thomas’ hospital room was intense, yet compassionate. Ridge told Liam that he shouldn’t be in the room, but also advised that he was fully aware that Atkinson’s character had wronged him and Hope.
Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Secret Kept From Law Enforcement
That’s the dilemma for Ridge. He’s kept himself composed during the latest dramatic event that’s rocking this fictional version of Los Angeles, California. At the same time, he needed to get answers from his wife regarding her actions and keep Liam at bay. Just as Brooke is protecting her child, so too is Ridge. He’s defending Thomas, who can’t speak for himself right now.
Detective Alex Sanchez (Jeremy Ray Valdez) was surprised by the scene he saw in the hospital hallway. He didn’t hear anyone asking if the builder of the restraining wall (wherever that is) outside of the cliff house was liable for what happened, or a discussion of any other normal topics that would be passionately chewed over after this type of event occurred. That reality made the detective wonder if an accident had happened, or a secret was being kept?
AMP in the post
Brooke had no criminal intent prior to arriving at the cliff house. Her actions in a moment of passion were in defense of Hope. So they likely won’t be deemed as wrong. But explaining matters in such a charged environment will remain very hard while Thomas fights for his life. This site is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’.
I hope so. Ronn Moss’ characterization of Ridge was Brooke soulmate “destiny”. Today’s Ridge is not. He brings out the Marone side oppose to the Forresters. Brooke needs somebody much better. And people when you judge Brooke for being with; Son (Ridge), Father (Eric), and son (Thorn), you have to judge Steffy in the same light; Son(Liam), Son (Wyatt), Father (Bill). So, should Steffy get the same bashing Brooke did/does?
I do not want Ridge and Brooke to break up! Ridge should have listen to his wife !They would have got Thomas some help a long time ago!
Except Brooke was not taught that by a tramp mother, she however was and always be the tramp from the other side of the tracks. Steffy watched and learned from Brook but realized and changed for her daughter. Brooke will never change she has had almost 4 decades to do so, Steffy has only been about 10 yrs so she learned much quicker.
Yes I Hope so , I really hope Brooke ‘s Marriage will collapse, and hope ‘s Marriage to she just like her mother.
I can’t wait to see Brooke in jail where she belongs
Hope needs to get out off Liam life he needs to be with Stephanie she better wife and mother then Hope.
Yes I agree Brooke is TRASH I never liked her and I well
Brooke didn’t know .She thougth Hope was in danger. All Thomas has done was lie and act crazy. I would have done the same thing. They need to move on. Please give us a new story. Put a fork in it. It’s been done. I want fashion back.
Yes .Steffy is just as gulity. I don’t know how you feel, but i want fashion. Some new actors would be good to.
yes Brooke dosen’t deserve Ridge. Ridge should be with Taylor.I hope they end up together,And I hope Steffy And Liam get back together for good.Beth most might not be Liam’s baby seeing Hope was Only back from Paris one or two weeks when she told Liam she was pregnant
Brooke trashing is a joke! Stefanie Forrester realized she misjudged her for so many years. The trashers are just repeating words which has/had no meaning. Go back and look at the beginning episodes and you will see that Brooke was judged harshly through predigeous eyes (Stefanie and Taylor). Before dying Stefanie wanted Brooke to take her place as matriarch of the family. So no people there was so much more going on than simply being romantically connected to someone. Yes, she had a hand raising Steffy and that is the only reason Steffy has a decent bone in her body. Taylor was always going off the rails. Accidentally killing Darla while being drunk wasn’t a very good role model for Steffy. So Steffy is trying to keep it together but she does have Taylor and Marone blood running through her veins.
Hope Brook do spend a couple of night in jail. She ALWAYS gets her way. As for Hope can’t wait for Liam to found out the baby is Thomas and not his. Liam do not belong with Hope.
True! Brooke will never change. In fact she is going to steal her sister’s husband again once Ridge dumps her again! Watch she’s going lean on Bill for comfort then seduce him into bed.
Be more concise what is Steffy guilty off?
Stephanie was dying her brain was trashed, there is no way she could go for 30 years as close friends with Taylor and desire to spend her last moments of life with this piece of trash Brooke. Nope worst writing in history.
You are way off base! Steffy got her bad habbits by watching Brooke. She learned from a very early age to use sex to get what you want like Brooke! All stuff Steffy did as a teenager she got that from watching Brooke. She saw Brooke seduced and manipulate her father from his marriage and kids! Brooke ruin that family the same way she ruine Stephanie’s marriage and family! The B&B writers loss their minds when they wrote those makeup scence between Brooke and Stephanie. No woman would ever forgive the woman who stole her husband then turned around and married both her sons! It’s ridiculous!
Yes! He needs to leaver her because she has always hated his children!
Please Steffy is not in the same league with Brooke! Brooke is a major slut! Bill wasn’t married for years with children. Steffy didn’t lie about being pregnant to trap Bill or Liam. Lying about being pregnant to trap a guy into staying with you is really low! Brooke did that to Ridge twice once when he left her for sweet virginal Caroline Spencer the1st, then again when he wanted to be with Taylor.
No way! Ridge was inlove with Caroline Spencer, a nice young lady, a virgin. Brooke seduced Ridge then claimed she was pregnant. Ridge broke off his engagement with Caroline to do right by Brooke who was not pregnant at the time. Lucky for her she finally got pregnant before Ridge found out the truth. But karma is a bitch! Brooke had a miscarriage so Ridge called of their engagement and ran back to Caroline! Brooke swore Ridge was her soulmate then slept with his father! Eric was still married and living with Stephanie. Brooke was a real scheming slut back in her day!
Steffy would never lie about being pregnant to trap a man even in her wild and crazy days!