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Diamont remembered that Bradley Bell, B&B’s executive producer and head writer, created Dollar Bill for him after his unceremonious exit from “The Young and the Restless.” He played Brad Carlton on Y&R for 24 years.
“He stepped up for me, big time, and made it very clear that the success of the character was important to him,” Diamont shared.
“When I saw my first scenes were with Susan Flannery (ex-Stephanie), I thought, ‘Ah, this is brilliant.’ She was absolutely the character you’d want to see Bill with right off the bat,” he added.
The rest, as they call it, is history, and now it has been 10 years already. He got two sons onscreen, Liam Spencer played by Scott Clifton and Wyatt Spencer played by Darin Brooks, and he is proud of that the Spencers have become an integral part of the soap opera.
When asked if he can see himself playing Bill Spencer for the next decade, he said, “Oh, sure! Absolutely.”
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Over that time, Diamont sees Bill going through some periods of being at his most behave, like what is happening to the character right now, but he also says Bill will always be Bill.
“The character has to be who he is, or it’s not ‘Bill,’” he said. “I’m waiting for something to happen where all of a sudden, viewers really want Bill to go kick somebody’s ass. That would be a nice way to bring him back to who he is.”
For Don, playing Bill has been the most gratifying so far. “It is, without a doubt. No other role comes even close. Just because you’re successful in a role on one show doesn’t mean that translates to another show, so I take a lot of pride in it,” he said.
Despite being on “The Bold and the Beautiful” for a long time now, Diamont expressed that it is something that he does not take for granted. “This opportunity and the success that’s come along with it, it means so much to me.”
AMP in the post
As always, more detailed Spoilers and Breaking news will appear here on Celebrating the Soaps!
I love Bill on the show,,he brings so much excitment and you love and love to hate at times.i would love to see more of Bill please..talking with his sons..on what is happening in their lives.good or could be a good way for Liam to move on too..his dad telling him..that is the way is should be..with his love Steffy and his daughter don’t mess it up..or he will kick his butt
Well said! Nothing to add except I totally agree with you. (Plus, it doesn’t hurt that he’s the best looking man on the small screen! 🙂
I do enjoy his comedic lines. It is hard to believe that a lot of the “mature” actors such as John McCook,Rena Sofer, Thorsten Kaye, are being used as fillers for this Hope and Liam boring storyline. Get the storyline done with sooner rather than later. Get it back to fashion and the way it used to be. The Hope/Liam/Steffy triangle is getting redundant and boring.
I love Dolla Bill. I enjoy seeing him with Steffie. They are the best and I do hope that Kelly will be from their night of love. He and Steffie are Hot and could be so real. If he will never be with Steffie then let her always be the great Love of his life that they always know but have to protect the family from such a scandal, but will have there stolen moments to keep us wanting for more. They could always have stolen days that fill the long nights with memories.
Sometimes, it depends on how far he goes. Bill can make me laugh with his natural sarcastic banter. I do love Bill with Katie, which by the way where are the love birds? Behind closed doors making up for lost time with getting back together S……………X 🙂 Also lets not forget that he has a third son Will. Kudos to the little man for putting on the charm to get his parents back together. Maybe he’ll be the one behind his fathers desk in no time. Getting back to the dollar, I give him permission to UNLEASH his own creative antics on Reese. I mean the creep handled his Grand Daughter and hurt Liam. Even though Beth is safe with Steffy. Still get the helicopter fueled or where is the nearest balcony to handle Reese. Just saying
Dollar Bill needs to unleash on Reese. For all of the pain to Liam and Hope. And the pain Steffy is going to have to go thru. And these liars covering their asses. About going to jail and the hell they put Liam and Hope thru. There will be hell to pay and I Hope Bill is in the lead on This one. As hell has no furry like Dollar Bill, Take them all on!!!
As they say you can run but you can’t hide from DOLLAR BILL. He’ll track you down like a sniffing DOG and you’ll wish the authorities find you first.
I like him on Bold and beautiful,and I also like cbs soap produktion were he plays with Jaquliene Mc Wood.
I agree with Dr Pepper, also no more Brook and Bill. I would like to see Bill and his 2 sons go out and get in an the one on. Get into a little trouble no one killed or seriously hurt just raise hell. It might give them a new respect for each other they would have each others back all the way.
That is suppose to say tie one on the 3 are funny together
I just love him. He is the type of guy you love and then hate. Keep him with Katie. Stand by Liam. And don’t screw up Again with your kids
They definitely need to have more of Bill on the story line instead of boring Steffy/Hopeless/Liam same old story line. I think Bill & Sally bring a lot to this soap, but their talent is not being utilized! Kick the current writers to the curb, and bring in fresh writers with new ideas and story lines. This soap is so BORING now!!!!!!!!!! I quit watching until Beth gets her baby back!
Still think that is One HANDSOME MAN. I liked him and Steffy together.
So did I. They could have been the most interesting Power couple on B&B. Such a waste to put him back with lukewarm, no spark Katie.