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Yet, she can’t help but feel a gravitational pull towards Steffy’s [Jacqueline MacInnes Woof] new adoptive daughter, Phoebe. Little does Hope know that Phoebe is actually her own biological child in a baby swap that is going to rock everyone involved once the truth comes out. Here’s what you need to know.
For now, all Hope can do is think about Baby Beth and the life she wishes she could have had with her. In fact, actress Annika Noelle, who plays Hope on the hit CBS soap, recently told Soaps in Depth in a new interview, “Some days she’s angry. Other days she’s just in denial of just numb. Right now she doesn’t even know what she’s feeling.”
Today on #BoldandBeautiful, Zoe reveals to Xander that she found out new information regarding Reese and Flo.
— Bold & The Beautiful (@BandB_CBS) February 12, 2019
With that being said, there are lot of The Bold and the Beautiful fans that can’t help but wonder what’s next for Hope. While there’s a good chance that it might take her some time before she feels like her old self again, there’s a possibility that her marriage to Liam [Scott Clifton] might see some rocky moments ahead. Of course, the moment the truth comes out about Baby Phoebe’s real identity will certainly change everything.
Annika adds, “I’m still waiting in suspense for what lies ahead. We’re going to have to wait and see if she gets that inner light back or not.”
AMP in the post
There’s no doubt that fans are waiting in suspense, too! Viewers will just have to tune in to find out what lies ahead. The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on the CBS network. Check your local listings for times.
In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. And as always, come back to Celebrating the Soaps for all the latest news, updates and spoilers on The Bold and the Beautiful and all of your favorite daytime television shows right here!
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I think she will kidnap the baby and go back to Paris
SHE WOULDN’T be kidnapped, Beth is her baby- I think it Steffy TAKES OFF, it will be because she’ll know that Beth is Hope’s baby, because they look so much alike, we wouldn’t want stepwitch Steffy TO DO the right thing, she never HAS ALL THESE YEARS, always PLAYS THE entitled spoiled BRATT role she always has, Mommy only has to whip out the briefcase and pull out the thousands of $$$s TO MAKE witchy Steffy happy OLE Doc Taylor is pretty dang stupid , it’s THEIR OWN stupidy & guilt, they both killed A CHILD, now trying to replace them won’t change the facts
She will probably run off with Phoebe/Beth forcing those that know or suspect the truth (Zoe, Reese, Flo) to reveal that Hope is actually Beth’s biological mother.
That would be entitled “steffy” witch on a broom stick – cackleing as she flies off, that would take off with Beth, once the hateful “3” knows they bought Beth-THE ONLY way those “3” does anything is by lies , shooting & blackmailing & those things isnt legal – we have all seen that, and they never pay for CRIMES THEY commit-
No she will be fine as long as she get to see phoebe But they need to get this story line on the road. It would be more interesting watching Hope and Liam bond with their baby. Enough is enough. They are dragging it out. Tape it and fast forward threw the show. Not the way to stay interested in a soap
If she kidnap Beth at least she will get to be with Her and the story will come out
I really think this is way to slow and the ones that do needs to let Hope and Liam know it. It’s torture for her and us as well. End it sooner than later. When sweeps are done this should be too! The real world is faster than this. End it please!
Liam and Hope will be getting her back soon it is starting to come to an in Steffy will be heartbroken Steffy never felt the pain wonder how daddy’s going to take his baby why is she boo-hoo crocodile tears Hallelujah the bitch is getting it
I hope that the writer will take what we have to say to heart this time!!! I don’t think Hope will do anything crazy what was done to her
I hope that the Writer take what we have to say to heart this time!!!! I don’t think that Hope will to do anything more crazy than what has been done to her and Liam PLEASE LET THIS BABY STORY COME TO END SOON!!!!!!!!
Hope is a cheap rotten brat that don’t deserve Liam ….no sympathy for her.
What STUPIDY, she’s AN ACTRESS, it’s obvious your a Steffy fan, be nice for a A CHANGE- omg
Another steffy fan commit, Steffy plays A MANIPULATING slut, & very well I might add, she’s the relationship destroyer, shes done that from the getgo, coming between Liam & Hope for years, always plays the skeaming entitled wicked witch that she is,
So glad I don’t watch this bullshit soap anymore! This hope story is like who the hell cares about her? Keep that lil girl with steffy. I see it on Instagram that’s enough for me..Keep that baby away from the logans.
Has everyone forgotten the reason Steffy wanted to adopt was because Hope didn.t want her baby around Taylor? Now she can’t stay away from Steffy’s house. So sick of poor Hope.
I sure as hell wouldnt want my baby around the hateful “3” forresters- they commit crimes, & go on like it fine- Taylor wicked witch from the west shoots TO KILL, steffy witch from the east manipulates everything to get her way, & Warlock Ridge blackmails to get what he wants-& not a soul is caught- & some idiots think Hopes the bad person- Well hello?? , it’s NOT HER-
I WOULDNT EITHER, shooting a person in the back like Psycho Taylor did- get over it , that water has flown down stream- move on
Stupid. The crocodile tears are because Steffy has sympathy for Hope
What kind of commit is that, its acting, sure Steffy the wicked witch on a broom sticks fans think the worst OF HOPE, because it would be Stuffy TAKING off on the broomstick WITH BETH, not Hope
She will BE FINE, but we all know Steffys ready to throw Hope under the bus, shes been jealous of Hope’s relationship with Liam from the get go, it’s still a sick sick story line, if Hope is played like she goes to this DARK PLACE, I’m sure Steffy. Will swoop in on her broom stick, & cackle like the witch SHE IS, thinking she’s got Liam reeled IN AGAIN, AND MOMMY WICKED WITCH FROM THE WEST PSYCHO Taylor & Daddy warlock Ridge WILL lie FOR THE WITCHY DAUGHTER, if THEY KNOW Beth IS THE BABY the hateful “3” bought
No, Hope will most likly remember her babys cry after she WAS BORN, GET THIS storyline over, quit dragging this out, to MAKE PRINCESS witchy Steffy!! By geting her entitled way ANYMORE , than she already does, I HATE THe hateful “3” forresters- end the tragic stupidity – oh right we wouldn’t want to disappoint the witches OF THE fashion house !!
I think the truth will finally come out because of Zoe omg this has gone on long enough sorry but it’s only fair to her she has lost and suffering enough Zoe needs to get her baby back before next weds
Hope feels like a failure she is not going to tried to kidnap the baby She is trying to push Liam always I believe Steffy will get a DNA test done Will be honest get Hope and Liam back the baby