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Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Ridge Makes A Shocking Deal – Flo And Thomas Off The Legal Hook

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Flo Fulton (Katrina Bowden) - Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson)The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers tease that Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) is about to ruffle his wife’s feathers in a big way. He will make a deal that will keep Flo Fulton (Katrina Bowden) and Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) out of the slammer.

This will be a move that will get under Brooke Forrester’s (Katherine Kelly Lang) skin and it will probably lead to a huge blowup. Here’s what you need to know about what’s coming up on B&B.

It’s pretty clear that Ridge is angry that his son thinks that he can manipulate others and not face any of the consequences. He wants to support him and help him get past this. Also, Ridge believes that Thomas is merely misguided, and he can make him see the light.

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Thomas Forrester Narrowly Escapes Prison

By some miracle, the buzz on social media reveals that Thomas will narrowly escape going to jail for Emma Barber’s (Nia Sioux) death. It comes out that he didn’t do anything to cause the accident. Emma was upset and texting while driving, which is a deadly combination.

The deal will put Ridge in the doghouse with his wife, Brooke. Bold and the Beautiful spoilers state that Brooke wants Thomas to pay for all his dirty deeds. And, she lets Ridge have it over his support of his son.

Another huge shocker will be when Flo gets out of jail in the next few weeks. Apparently, she will help Detective Sanchez (Jeremy Ray Valdez) will help bust an underground black market for baby’s wide open. It will be her ticket out of jail.

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Brooke Forrester Refuses To Apologize

Ridge will not have a reaction to Flo’s release, which confuses Brooke. She cannot believe that both Thomas and Flo will not face any legal consequences for their roles in Beth’s kidnapping.

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease that Ridge pushes for Brooke to forgive Thomas and he even suggests that she should apologize to him. We all know that isn’t going to happen. Brooke refuses to back down and it could be the end of Bridge.

Are you surprised that Flo and Thomas will not face any charges for their role in the crime? Don’t forget to come back later for more The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers, news, and casting updates!

  1. Guest says

    I think this show has gone to the dogs

  2. Diva says

    If this
    Flo gets back with Wyatt, I’m gonna throw up and Thomas needs a good beat down and I’d love to see Bill do it. This is going from the ridiculous to the sublime now.

  3. Guest says

    Why is it that no one every do any jail time? Why bring the Detective back if no one is going to jail Thomas and Flo need to go and throw away the key. Taylor never did any time for shooting Bill. The only time I remember any justice was when Taylor was in jail for running over Thorn’s wife

  4. Guest says

    To he’ll withe the bold and beautiful and also the writers why should you turn this case like that Ridge is no better than Thomas and Brooke should leave him especially when he gets flo out of jail he don’t love Brooke or her daughter this story line going in the wrong direction and I done watching bold and beautiful good bye it’s stupid let them off the hook that means you are telling persons it’s ok to steal babies and swop them not in my book it’s a serious crime and all evolve should pay and that’s going to jail

  5. Guest says

    We all know the writers were going to figure out a way for Flo not to go to prison. Plus, I’m still not understanding why Thomas is being held accountable for the kidnapping. The kidnapping and baby swap took place long before Thomas came home. He was immoral for keeping the secret, but that’s not a crime.

  6. Guest says

    This story is beyond stupid,

  7. Guest says

    It’s very sad to see how Ridge is responding to Thomas and all his terrible things he’s done. I know it’s his Son but that’s no reason. Some parents can’t see what their kids are doing, OH NO NOT My KID, HE OR SHE WOULD NOT DO THAT, some parents need to wake up.

  8. Guest says

    By the way, don’t hook up Wyatt with Flo again, Wyatt and Sally belong together.

  9. Guest says

    This opens the door for creepy Ridge to make his move on Flo…she is after all a Logan and he marries them all .

  10. Guest says

    I am a little confused on why Ridge is calling all the shots about the baby swap. Liam and Hope should be the ones that is more involved than Ridge.

  11. Guest says

    I agree that Brooke need to leave Ridge. So now Thomas and Ridge is going to be living in the same house with Brooke and Hope and Liam with their baby. This is some crazy writing. How do Ridge think that is going to make them feel?

  12. Guest says

    He purposefully concealed a crime, thereby abetting those who had committed the crime. And he knew the location of a kidnapped child and didn’t report it. I’m pretty sure both are prosecutable.

  13. Guest says

    Thomas and Flo, both should pay for their crimes. Thomas manipulated his young son, Stephy, interns at work and Hope to get what he wants. He is a sick jerk who needs to be punished severely. Ridge was a lousy father when Thomas was young and now he is worst, covering up his sinnister crimes to win the brownie points and make up for being a lousy father. Thomas is a sadistic and not going to stop hurting people. He might kill his son. I m sure Carolyn didn’t die if natural causes. He killed her as she must have seen real Thomas and tried to stop him. Flo should get some jail time and not a free card. There must be a way to retrieve the data from Thomas’s car GPS.

  14. Deongelo Clarke says

    It’s called accessory after the fact. But legally people are not required to report a crime.

  15. Deongelo Clarke says

    Ridge doesn’t get Flo out of jail. Flo made a deal with the police to bust an underground child trafficking ring. Plus Brooke deserves to be prosecuted too for shoving Thomas off the cliff. Even if it was an accident. Because she new she could be charged with attempted murder she made it seem as if Thomas just slipped.

  16. Deongelo Clarke says

    There are so many people in B&B who needs to pay for crimes. Bill, Brooke, Justin, Thomas, Flo, and Quinn. Just to drop a few.

  17. Guest says

    Thomas needs to end up in prison and Brooke and Ridge should separate. Flo’s mother should start with her lovely fingers into Ridge’s love life. If he keeps his dirty hand off her, then maybe Brooke will beg him back. She’s so co-dependant without a man.

  18. Guest says

    So did Zoe, Zander, and Shauna and Flo.

  19. Guest says


  20. bj moule says

    give brooke a new man. i’m sick of ridge crapping on her feelings. good grief he’s done every woman on the show. he was caught kissing quinn when on vaca with the family right before his and brookes wedding, yet this douche walked away from brooke when he came home from paris when he found out she had been with bill….so what,he wasn’t with her. that whole story line didn’t make sense to me. he thinks he’s so morally superior. there is no way in real life thomas’s butt would be back in that house after what he has done. it’s brookes house she should have final say. set him up in ridges bachelor pad. sorry for the rant…

  21. Guest says

    Ok folks, here’s what it seems is going to go down. Someone is going to end up killing Thomas. I see it coming. All these people are coming forward with the fact that can’t stand Thomas and the Thomas needs to pay. So if Thomas doesn’t end up dead and if there isnt a huge investigation of who killed Thomas, I will be surprised. But that won’t happen until Bill uncovers Thomas had something to do with Caroline’s death. That is going to make Bill go off! Also rumor has it that Ridge gets really intoxicated and ends up in bed with Shawna. Wont that put him in a compromising position with Brooke? Not to mention Shawna will then have some fuel to get some of the things she wants such as her daughter out of jail. That situation with Ridge and Shawna will be the final straw for Brooke. However, I hope we don’t have to see another episode of a Brook running back to Bill and ruining his marriage to her sister. In fact, it would be beautiful to see Bill turn Brook down and be a faithful stand-up man. It would be nice to see Thorne return. Maybe he will come and whisk Brook away to go live in Paris or Italy. Wherever Forrester Creations is located overseas. Bold and the Beautiful needs to get some more attractive men for the middle-aged women on this show. I mean look at Donna, she is a total spinster! Plus, The Bold and the Beautiful needs to have a big and beautiful wedding. One that is so deserved by the two people involved. Will it be Liam and Hope or Justin and Donna?

  22. Guest says

    You can bet Brooke would be singing a different song if Hope was in Thomas position. I hope Ridge kicks her to the side. She doesnt deserve him. He doesn’t Condone what Thomas did but it’s his son. Brooke is just as guilty of skimming to break up Stephanie and Liam.

  23. Guest says

    Yes it sure looks that way and hope Brooke divorces Ridge
    begging her to apologize, what the hell for? that loser deserved it and getting both
    of them out of been send to jail s wrong and it will come back and bite his ass
    sooner than later.

  24. Guest says

    Yes they should! Brooke hates both of Ridges children. She hates Thomas because he kept the secret about Beth and she has always hated Steffy for taking Liam from Hope.

    You can’t be with someone who hates your Children! Even if they are grown and have lives of their own!

  25. Guest says

    Right! Bill was all in his face as if Thomas had swiped the babies!

    Bill is a known Arsonist! He set fire to the Spectra building! He has no right to judge anybody!

  26. Guest says

    Yes! Brooke should leave Ridge because she has always hated both of Ridges kids! Brookes had never liked Steffy or Thomas!

  27. Guest says

    Ridge was a lousy father because he was always chasing after Brooke! Brooke broke up a family! This affected all of Ridges kids with Taylor negatively! Ridge spent more time with Brooke’s brats then his own kids! How do you think that made them feel! Hope wasn’t even Ridges flesh and blood but he raised her as his own and gave her his name! This should have never happened Ridge should have stayed with Taylor and his kids!

  28. Guest says

    What kind of deal does ridge make about flo and Thomas

  29. Guest says

    Bill will never turn Brooke down! He’s not the stand up guy you want to believe in! He’s the kind of guy who cheats on his faithful wife with her sister! Twice!

    This is the most boring couple ever! Liam and Hope already had a wedding, in fact they have had several and who needs to see that again!

    Brooke should not marry any more Forrester men! That slut has been like a plague on this family! Who in their right mind would want Brooke as their daughter-in-law!

  30. Guest says

    That was an accident! It was a foggy night and Taylor didn’t see Darla util it was too late! The only reason she left the house was because Phoebe called her to pick her up! If your teenage daughter calls you and tells you she stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire then you go pick her up!

  31. Guest says

    Brooke has done everyman in the Forrester family and her sister’s! That slut does’nt deserve better!

    There is no way in real life a mother would ever accept the women who had an affair with her husband and had two kids buy him as her daughter in law!

    Brooke has morally corrupted this family! Because of Brooke Ridge has been playing stepdaddy to his father’s children all his life. That’s sick! The family lines or blurred in this family because of her!
    What kind of woman has sex with her daughter’s husband or sister’s? These are lines that you are not suppose to cross!

  32. Guest says

    She’s a slut! Who married and had kids with his father! She had not one but two babies by his father! And the whole time she claimed to love him! She even tried to pass Bridgette off as his just to break up him and Taylor up! Then she seduced Thorne from Macy and married him! Then she hooked up with his half brother Nick! What kind of women does that?

  33. Guest says

    Of course Thomas isn’t going to be punished for his wrongdoings. Does he ever??? It’s clear that having the last name Forrester is a get out of jail free card. It’s absolutely sickening and a HUGE slap in the face to Steffy that her own father sides with Flo in this mess instead of standing beside her. I am rooting for Bill to destroy Thomas and Miss Felony Flo. Thomas WAS responsible for Emma’s death and should face murder charges. Let’s face it, if Emma had made it to Hope’s house Thomas would have most likely strangled her or found a way to quiet her permanently. Brooke needs to kick Ridge to the curb ONCE and FOR ALL. Ridge is as crazy as his loser son. He is PATHETIC just like his son.

  34. Guest says

    He’s an adult and made that decision all by himself. He should have been there for his children.

  35. Guest says

    Who wouldn’t feel the way Brooke does if a lunatic manipulated their child? Why should Thomas get a free pass? No one caused him to do all that craziness. He came into town with this sudden burst of energy to get Hope, a woman who was already married and grieving the child she thought she lost. That psycho needs to be in prison in a straight jacket. FYI: Hope was with Liam before Steffy was in the picture and she has meddled in their lives time and again, so she’s no different. She’s a ho, she’s been with Liam, Bill and Wyatt.

  36. Guest says

    Exactly. Taylor is a nutjob and Thomas is following in her footsteps.

  37. Guest says

    Thomas couldn’t move back into my house, the only house he should be in is the jailhouse. No one should be subjected to that. He and father can have each other cuz both of them would have to move out. I can’t live with some sane people let alone someone like him.

  38. Guest says

    We have already established that she’s been around a lot. Why did Ridge want Thomas to marry Hope who he raised and considered to be his daughter, he’s a man but he is no different from Brooke. At least she didn’t want that relationship to happen, which it didn’t in the end. But given enough time Thomas would’ve drugged and raped Hope. Get off Brooke’s back, Ridge needs to seek help for himself, his lunatic son and ex-wife. They’re all crazy!!! Better a slut than a murderer. Did Brooke chain Ridge down and tell him he has to be with her. He’s a grown man, I take that back he’s an entitled boy. You must admit there is something about her that all these men gravitate to.

  39. Guest says

    Brooke is a slut, but she’s not the only one. The others might not get around as much, but Steffy has had an entire family of men too, and Taylor has been with Ridge’s family as well.

  40. Guest says

    In jail for what? He didn’t kill Emma! It was a tragic accident! Just like Zoe and Xander the only thing Thomas is guilty of is lying, keeping Beth is alive a secret! I’ll even go so far as to say creep!

    The police could make a case against him for failure to render aide but a high price lawyer can get those charges dropped! Emma ultimately died because she was driving to fast while trying to text! They can’t even get Thomas on making threats! He made some veil threats but Thomas never said “I’m going to kill you Flo or Xander!”

  41. Guest says

    Thomas didn’t kill Emma! His car never touched hers! She ran off the road because she was driving way to fast while trying to text Hope! Thomas has some issues but he is not a murder!

    Bill has no right to judge anybody!
    Bill is the one who should be in jail he did committe a crime! Arson! He should be in jail right now serving 5 to 10 for burning down the Spectra building!

    If Bill lays one finger on Thomas he’s going to have to answer to Ridge! The last time Bill tangle with Ridge he end up in coma!
    You don’t mess with people’s kids no matter how old they are! My children will always be my babies no matter their age! I pray that they don’t but even if they do the unthinkable, Momma will always have their back! I will tell them when they are wrong but I will always love and support them! That’s what Ridge did! He told Thomas in no uncertain terms that he was wrong and this kind of behavior will no be tolerated! That’s what a good parent who loves there kids does! You never turn your back on them even if they do the unthinkable!

  42. Guest says

    Am I surprised Thomas doesn’t go to jail? No! Except for Flo, I do not see one of the conspirators remorseful. Zoe and Xander lost their jobs, (big deal). They knew that would happen. Zoe really should be punished with a harsher hand like Thomas because both made their fair share of threats. I hope Steffy doesn’t take out her grief on Hope or her Hope For The Future Line. That would. Make Steffy a villainous character, hate to see her go there. And as hard as it is for Steffy, Hope had the worst grief imaginable. Steffy can still adopt another baby, this time through the right channels. Yes, I do want to see Ridge and Brooke break up, I like her better with Bill (her Steed). Bill and Brooke has much better chemistry.

  43. Guest says

    If we’re going with that kind of logic then Brooke is a super h**! She slept with Eric, Ridge, Thorne and Nick! Father, brother and half brother and her sister’s husband Bill and her daughter’s husband Deacon.

    And your girl Hope is just like her momma a h** in training! She can’t keep her legs close to married men! And let’s not forget that Hope is the slut that first dated both brothers at the same time and then married both Wyatt and Liam!

    Oh and by the way if a women breaks up with a guy then he’s fair game! She doesn’t have the right to whine about it after she dumped him in the first place!

  44. Guest says

    Sex! Whores are very knowledgeable in the art of seduction! I mean they better be since its their bread and butter!
    Brooke was a slut from the valley who had an affair with the boss, got pregnant and married him. How cliche! Now she’s trying to pass herself off as a respectable wife and mother! She’s not fooling anybody! She will be seducing and stealing her sister’s man the minute Ridge dumps her!

  45. Guest says

    I agree that sooner or later Ridge is going to pay for getting Thomas and Flo off.

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