AMP in the post
Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) is asking far too much of his wife and daughter on ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’. The requests he’s making of both ladies go far beyond the soapy pale.
His after the fact Bikini Bar explanation to Brooke Logan Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang) was coupled with a request to help family. Ridge followed that by asking Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) to allow her brother to move into the cliff house.
Brooke’s boot of Ridge out of her home and Steffy’s rejection of her father’s suggestion that Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) become a house mate should have been anticipated. While Ridge is well-intended he’s also exhibiting emotional tone deafness.
Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Shauna Fulton Is Newest Enemy
Of course B&B wrote Shauna Fulton (Denise Richard) directly into Ridge’s inebriated path at Bikini Bar. The invention of a second floor room above the fashionable watering hole brought a smile to savvy fan’s faces. Both plot points enabled Shauna to aid Ridge during his night of distress.
Hardcore viewers recall the many classic confrontations Brooke and Stephanie Forrester (Susan Flannery) had. No one could ever match Stephanie’s foe status, but Shauna has clearly become Brooke’s newest enemy.
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Considering that Shauna’s daughter, Flo Fulton (Katrina Bowden), is a Logan blood relative and will be Katie Logan’s (Heather Tom) kidney donor, there’s every reason to believe that the Brooke-Shauna Fulton battle will endure.
B&B Spoilers – Thomas Forrester Doesn’t Care About Family
Ridge continues to say that what his son did was terrible. He hits that note just right. But continuing to believe that Thomas sincerely cares about family, or anyone other then himself is dangerously misguided. Instead, he appears to only actually have momentary periods of human emotion, where the lives of his family are considered.
Steffy, following in her grandmother’s instinctual way, knows that Thomas isn’t sorry. He’s just sorry that he was caught and is now facing some minimal consequences for the actions he willingly committed.
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The Logan’s weren’t the only family that was damaged by Thomas’ withheld information and intentional manipulation of it. The Beth Spencer (Madeline Valdez and River Davidson) steal and conceal is also negatively impacting the Forrester’s, most especially Steffy.
Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Ridge Forrester To Face Moment Of Truth
Ridge will eventually realize that Thomas engineered Brooke’s awareness of the Bikini Bar event. At that moment, Kaye’s character won’t have to consider how his wife, or daughter were wronged by his son and how they should respond.
Seeing beneath Thomas’ facade will be painful and angering. Facing the truth about one’s own blood will sober Ridge. And then maybe, after long last, he’ll being applying tough love to Thomas.
This site is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’.
What d hell is ridge thinking
there’s not enough chlorhexidine to wash Ridge clean if he gets it on with Shauna…she just oozes sleazy slut…so I guess Denise Richards is playing the role well despite the wooden acting…or maybe it is good scriptwriting.
I think let Flo into the “family” but keep that predatory grifting slut out.
Try this one on for size…Eric as Storm’s father…which makes Flo a Forrester.