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Steffy wishes there was a way to prove Liam didn’t run over Vinny Walker (Joe LoCicero) on purpose. Hope and Steffy blame the tragedy on Bill Spencer (Don Diamont). Hope says Bill spent the majority of his life acting like the rules don’t apply to him. Bill doesn’t know his own son well enough if he believed Liam could keep the secret forever. Hope worries that Liam will get lost in the shuffle since Bill is Justin Barber’s (Aaron D. Spears) priority.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Liam Spencer Behaviour Makes Him Look Guilty
Hope says the D.A. and the police are trying to prove that Liam purposely ran over Vinny. Liam waiting weeks to confess makes him look guilty. Steffy is upset that Liam could face murder charges. They wonder what Vinny was doing in that area in the middle of the night. Steffy and Hope agree that they have to fight for Liam and prove that Vinny’s death was accidental.
At the jail, Katie Logan fills Bill in about their son’s life. Bill believes that Justin is working hard to get Bill released. Katie doesn’t understand why Bill can’t get out on bail. Bill says he’s doing the best he can and doesn’t want her worrying. Katie presses Bill on what Justin is doing to make his case. She isn’t convinced Justin will get him released. Bill wonders what Vinny was doing out on the street that night.
They profess their love for each other. Katie is scared for Bill. Bill says to tell their son that Bill will be home soon. Katie says she and Will Spencer (Finnegan George) aren’t sleeping. The strain is taking a toll on Bill’s family. Bill won’t allow Liam or Will’s future to be destroyed by his choices. He promises to be there for his family. A guard comes to take Bill to his cell.
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B&B Spoilers – Justin Barber Deletes The Video
Justin sits in Bill’s chair and gazes at the view from Spencer Publications. He watches the video that would clear Bill and Liam of all charges and deletes it. Wyatt Spencer (Darin Brooks) comes in, asking for an update on the plan to free Bill and Liam. Wyatt says he, Bill, and Liam are becoming impatient. Wyatt questions whether a corporate lawyer can handle a criminal case.
Justin promises the case is his top priority. Wyatt is reassured to know that Bill and Liam have Justin in their corner. Wyatt says his family is counting on Justin to do whatever it takes. Justin says he’ll make the situation right.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Thomas Is Confused
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Thomas awakens behind bars in an area with a sign marked “Danger. Hazardous Area”. He screams for someone to let him out. When Justin arrives, Thomas demands to know why he’s locked in a cage. Thomas remembers that Justin sucker punched him. Thomas doesn’t understand why Justin isn’t anxious to tell the police that Vinny framed Liam. Thomas says Hope and Steffy deserve to know the truth. Bill and Liam shouldn’t be in jail.
Justin won’t let Thomas go. Thomas realizes that Justin doesn’t want Bill and Liam set free so that Justin can take over Spencer Publications. Thomas demands an answer from Justin.
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with B&B right now. Come back here often for The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, news, and updates.