The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers document that Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) seems determined. She seems ready to live a life without Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye).
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Of course, this is the daytime world. So, living without Ridge forever could mean a matter of months, until whenever either person is suddenly dying or if Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) takes one of them prisoner.
However, TPTB may be in the midst of presenting a paradigm shift, with Lang’s iconic character charting a new course that endures. Yet, Brooke doing so would seem counter to all that has come before and against the desires of a chunk of the fan base.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Can’t Forget About Aspen, Colorado
It felt rushed or pushed, or like some other force was engineering Taylor Hayes’ (Krista Allen) remarriage to Ridge. Included in that was the use of another memorable B&B location setting.
Aspen, Colorado, is gorgeous. The outdoor shots were wonderful. Kaye and Allen created great comic relief, mixed with romance when Ridge chased and caught Taylor.
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Brooke’s arrival was touching. Lang, always the consummate performer, furthered chemistry with her second Ridge scene partner and left in tears. With that Ridge and Brooke were officially over, and the remarriage ceremony to Taylor felt inevitable.
B&B Spoilers – Taylor Hayes Left The Altar
The word ceremony was surely noticed above. Fans who wanted Ridge and Brooke to reunite were concerned last year, wondering if TPTB were reverting to a storyline where Kaye and Allen’s characters would revive their old-school couple’s status.
Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) has become the go-to fall guy. Sure enough, his well-executed scheme had holes. His ego was the gap, as Thomas was sloppy in allowing Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) to keep his smartphone. That reveal was telegraphed.
So, Taylor was left at the altar when she did not have to be. Whether it was necessary to write her into villain territory is worthy of debate. But she broke Ridge’s trust, and that was a believable reason for him to halt the ceremony that was years in the remaking.
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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Brooke Logan Pursues Distractions
It would be the right time for Deacon Sharpe (Sean Kanan) to make another move toward Brooke. But he has been written into the most unlikely, yet interesting relationship with Sheila.
Brooke holds nothing more than fondness in her heart for Deacon. That stance allows her to re-enter the daytime dating world.
But Taylor still thinks that Brooke and Ridge will reunite. In her heart, Brooke must believe that as well while she pursues dating distractions on B&B.
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