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While Bridge’s feelings about Quinn Fuller Forrester (Rena Sofer) have often been on the mark, their stance isn’t fully right in this instance. Yes, Quinn broke her marriage vows. But Brooke and Ridge didn’t know about a key element within this storyline that Eric recently admitted to the woman he desperately loves.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Quinn Fuller Forrester Does Care About Her Husband
Quinn responded to Eric’s health news with full compassion. Her instant response verified that she still loves and wants to stand by him. B&B’s audience witnessed what Bridge and the other characters didn’t.
Shauna Fulton (Denise Richards) is again serving as Quinn’s confidant. Like Quinn, she was sympathetic.
Thankfully for Quinn, Shauna is a good friend and is uniquely qualified to help if she’s allowed to do so. The selfless actions Shauna took in the recent past, to try and protect Queric, affirms that her heart is in the right place.
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B&B Spoilers – Carter Walton Was Used
It is understood that Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor) is a grown man who knows about life. He also shares equal responsibility with Quinn for becoming involved with her.
However, it is fair to assert that Quinn used her squabbles with Eric as an emotional ploy to play off Carter’s vulnerabilities. Quinn is not the villain in this instance, as she didn’t intend to harm Eric. Neither did Carter.
But is it reasonable to assert that Quinn has far more experience with Carter in messy romantic matters? Yes, absolutely.
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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Bridge Is An Alienating Source
Eric knows that Brooke and Ridge are concerned about him. He also realizes that his own words and actions sparked Bridge’s latest defense.
However, he’s since told them that his mind has changed. So, if Brooke and Ridge persist in bad-mouthing Quinn, then Eric will need to make a decision.
Eric won’t want to set strict boundaries for Bridge, but he might have to. He believes that Quinn has remained loyal and is supporting him now. The powerful emotions he feels won’t be overridden by what Brooke and Ridge see as common sense logic.
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E.D .riddled Eric should tell Ridge if he and brooklin Brook ever get their nose into his business again They are fired!!! Grab your stuff and get out!!!!! Get rid of ridge and brook!! Ridge isnt Erics real son anyway!!!
Ridge is Co-CEO. Eric cannot fire him, even if Eric founded the company. Eric is now a Forrester Creations figurehead in name only.