The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Friday, September 11 – Katie & Brooke Get Manipulated – Eric Learns About Quinn’s Meddling

The Bold And The Beautiful: Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang), Katie Logan (Heather Tom)The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers for Friday, September 11, tease that viewers will likely hear about Quinn Forrester’s (Rena Sofer) new scheme. As B&B viewers know, Quinn was just telling Shauna Forrester (Denise Richards) that she had a big idea that would put the final nail in the coffin of Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Ridge Forrester’s (Thorsten Kaye) relationship.

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We can only imagine what Quinn has in store for Brooke, but whatever it is will probably involve some serious deception. Chances are, Shauna’s not going to like the plan, considering that she’s already feeling very guilty about their scheme to get Ridge divorced from Brooke and married to her. We’ll see what sort of plan Quinn conjures up on Friday’s B&B episode!

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Brooke Logan & Katie Logan Get Hoodwinked

Meanwhile, Brooke and Katie Logan (Heather Tom) will realize that they’ve been manipulated by someone. It appears that Katie and Brooke will find themselves together and that they’ll talk about their relationship and everything that has gone down between them. It doesn’t look like Brooke and Katie have spoken since Quinn uploaded the video of Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) and Brooke’s kiss to the Digital picture frame, so this could be a big moment for them.

It looks like someone will have arranged Brooke and Katie’s meetup, and that probably means that Donna Logan (Jennifer Gareis) will have arranged to get Brooke and Katie together. Donna really wants her sisters to be back on good terms, and B&B viewers will remember that Katie recently told Eric Forrester (John McCook) that she was meeting Donna for lunch. Donna might have invited both Katie and Brooke to lunch!

Whatever the case, B&B spoilers indicate that Katie and Brooke will realize that they’ve been set up in some way. Perhaps Katie and Brooke can work through some of their problems and finally end their period of estrangement.

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B&B Spoilers – Ridge Forrester Fills Eric Forrester In On Quinn Forrester’s Actions

Meanwhile, Eric will speak with Ridge over in the Forrester design office. As B&B viewers know, Ridge is on edge due to his interaction with Brooke, Quinn, and Bill over at the Forrester mansion. Brooke had made a grand gesture to Ridge about how they would reconcile, but then Quinn and Bill showed up and put a quick end to Ridge’s contemplation of Brooke’s offer.

Ridge was quite upset to see Bill show up at his home, and now Ridge is angry about Bill always showing up when Brooke’s around. It seems that Eric will want some details on what happened, and Ridge will fill him in. Eric and Ridge will probably collectively wonder why Bill would show up at the Forrester mansion, and that will probably lead them to suspect that Quinn called Bill.

Well, Eric won’t be happy about that, since he’s repeatedly asked Quinn to stop actively working against Brooke and Ridge’s reunion. Eric knows that Quinn wants Shauna and Ridge to be together, but he has no idea just what Quinn has done to make a “Bridge” reunion unlikely. Perhaps Eric will start to get a clue on Friday’s episode!

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It looks like we’re in for a great episode on Friday! Stay tuned to the CBS soap and don’t forget to check Celebrating The Soaps often for the latest Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, updates, and news.

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  • Guest

    i cant stand quinn ii hope brookr punches quinn in the jaw about 7 times and shanwa get rid of trashy slutty shanwa iwant donna nd bill spencer in astemy affier together an dkatie to break up eric and quinn icant stand quinnand eric toghter iwasnt eric to yelland scream at quinn throw het out on the street sand not give her any money wher quinn ends up brioke in the stet in apyatric ward for about 45 weeks and then tries to come backand murde rpeople imean eric and quinn are so boring they dont evenmake love in bed quinn is a gold digger she would not be marreid to eric if hee was very poor icant stand quinn i hope someday they kill quinn off and bring back kirblerin bqon backa sshilacarte forrste as anheriss who inhetes 85 billoion dollers 27 times over iwan tshila to throw in in quinn s fac eth at she has inheted billiuons an dquinn doesnot have have ric she has nobodsy just get rid of trashy shanwatrasdhy floe get rid of wyiit ican tstnad quinnn in shanw iwant donna to punch quin in the jawand shanwa also for 9 times th elogon girls are very ittegenbt poises ans classy they belong with very richmen not trashy sanhand quinn plkeas ekilsksahnaandquinnandflore off get rid of carter zoeye and bringbacjk thoren rick forster and briget and shlea cartertf orrste riwan teric to dumpandivorce quinn likeatot potato i hopercidumps quinn very ssonn ihate thecharter quiin iamalways going to be a broookanddonna andkaite fan