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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Douglas Forrester Saw Grandma Kissing Santa Claus
Viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful will recall that on New Year’s Eve, little Douglas couldn’t find a beloved toy that he always goes to sleep with, and Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) tried to get him to choose another. Douglas went to bed but missed his usual toy, a stuffed animal, and remembered he had left it at Grandma Brooke’s house, and walked the short distance from Liam and Hope’s cabin to the main house to retrieve it.
When he got there, as viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful will recall, he looked through the window and saw Brooke kissing Deacon Sharpe (Sean Kanan) who was wearing a Santa Claus hat. Douglas never did go inside to get his toy, which was probably retrieved by Hope or Liam and Hope later, but he did tell both of them several times that he saw Grandma kissing Santa Claus! At first, they both thought he was trying to quote the old song about Mommy kissing Santa Claus but then Hope begins to put it together!
B&B Spoilers – Hope Spencer Has Been Trying To Get Her Mother To Open Up To Her
Viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful will remember that ever since Brooke revealed to Hope and Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) that she’d broken her sobriety, Hope has been asking questions! In particular, as viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful will remember, Brooke has had a one hundred eighty degree reversal in how she feels about Deacon, and Hope wants to know why! Hope suspects that something happened with Deacon on New Year’s Eve that Brooke is not even telling her, and she wants to know what it is, because he hasn’t even checked in with her ever since!
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Of course, Ridge continues to push his way in between Hope and Deacon and badmouths Deacon to Hope, telling her what could she expect, and that he’d warned her; Hope returns to talk to Brooke when Ridge is not home to get some answers!
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Hope Spencer Remembers It Was Douglas Forrester Who Found Baby Beth Spencer And Phoebe Forrester Were One In The Same
Viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful will remember it was Douglas who recognized baby Phoebe Forrester (River Davison) as baby Beth Spencer, (River Davison) who had been the victim of a baby switch/adoption scam.
Hope and Liam had been told the baby Hope gave birth to had died, but that was not true, and the truth finally came out when Douglas recognized Beth and Hope and Liam took him seriously! Viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful remember it was difficult for Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline Macinnes Wood) to give her up but ultimately she did the right thing and still is in Beth’s life as an aunt, even though it’s not by blood. Now Hope knows that once again she and Liam have to take Douglas’ comment about Grandma kissing Santa Claus seriously and she asks the little boy some pointed questions about where and when!
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B&B Spoilers – Hope Spencer Tells Brooke Forrester About What Douglas Forrester Saw
Viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful will see Hope confront her mother and tell her about Douglas having been peeking in her window on New Year’s Eve, and tell her he said he saw “Grandma kissing Santa Claus”. As viewers of The Bold and The Beautiful can imagine, Brooke will be taken aback by the news; she had no idea Douglas was watching as Deacon and she were kissing when she and he were drunk!
She remembers playfully putting that Santa hat on Deacon, and she knows that Hope knows Ridge hadn’t returned from his business trip yet that night! Hope will beg her mother to confess to her what happened to make her drink that night, and promises she will keep her secret; but Brooke will be terrified of losing everything and may not have the nerve to admit to what happened!
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with BOLD right now. Come back here often for The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers, news, and updates.
Brooke should be terrified of not telling the truth. Now that Hope knows what happened it is only a matter of time before others will know. If Brooke does not come clean with Ridge, when he finds out that Brooke has not told him all that happened on New Year's Eve, and he leaves her, she deserves to be left for lying. Really hoping she will tell Ridge everything and hoping he will not leave her.