The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Logan Popping More Magical Mints Than Poppy?

The Bold and the Beautiful viewers have watched Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) spiral for several months now.  What started with a divorce and a naughty affair with Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) has snowballed in to a hot mess for Hope. 

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At first, B&B fans were convinced that Hope was having some sort of medical situation that was making her act so out of character.  But, is the truth actually much darker? Here’s what’s coming up next on Bold and Beautiful, spoilers ahead!

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Is Hope Popping More Pills Than Poppy

If you have been a long time Bold and the Beautiful viewer, then you most likely recall Hope Logan’s pill-popping story several years ago. 

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Logan Popping More Magical Mints Than Poppy?

It turns out Poppy Nozawa (Romy Parks) is not the only lady on Bold and the Beautiful with a tendency to pop a few magical mints when the going gets tough. 

Back in 2016 on The Bold and the Beautiful, Hope was struggling with the neverending love triangle between herself, Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton).

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After getting dumped by Liam for Steffy, Hope then started relying on anxiety pills mixed with booze to help heal her broken heart. 

Then she went skiiing under the influence in Aspen and nearly killed Steffy, which changed the course of her relationship with Liam.  Ironically, high Hope Logan acted a lot like the Hope Logan we saw kissing Dr. Finn (Tanner Novlan).

B&B Spoilers – Hope Logan’s Drug History On Bold And Beautiful 

Since we know Hope Logan has struggled with pills in the past, this could be the direction the writers are taking with this story.  Maybe Hope doesn’t have a medical condition and she just relapsed? 

AMP in the post

Those mysterious headaches could be caused by the combination of prescription pills and booze she has been taking.  That would also explain to Hope’s shocking behavior and planting a kiss on married Dr. Finn.  

Do you remember when Hope was addicted to anxiety pills?  Do you think that she has fallen off the wagon and has been abusing drugs?  Is that why she has been acting so strange? 

Share your thoughts in the comments below and keep checking back here on Celebrating The Soaps for more Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, news, and updates.  

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  • Laurie

    The writters just keep rewritting the same old story lines.It’s like they don’t know how and what to write.This story is going to be off the air soon.It’s so Boring

    • Robin Hughes

      i AGREE WITH YOUR COMMENT BUT 1 THING Hope know what she is doing? she need to leave Finn alone and worry about her daughter

  • Joe

    I think Hope is really struggling with how she has destroyed her marriage. She has always been a good person until Paris. Something went wrong there.
    Maybe Thomas hipmotize her.

  • Kathy

    I think the Thomas rejection pushed her to doodle land. That and battling with Steffy’s constant control issues of trying to cut her line. There is definitely something going on with her. Pills could be the issue. I will stay tuned.

  • Pommy

    If Hope were taking pills we would already have seen her taking one or two… we watched Hope in 2012, 12 years ago, taking anxiety meds but nothing since then. I think it is rather a medical condition like a brain tumor or a blood clot like Thomas had.

  • Brenda

    Steffy thinks she is a boss she treats Finn like a child when he going to find out about her kissing liam that’s so wrong why she never get justice she even got pregnant and didnt know if Liam was the father bold and beautiful gonna be canceled soon

    • Tonja

      True story! Take Steffy out of line light for a change let Hope sore for awhile!

  • Carla

    Hope just wants revenge on Steffy that’s all. Wait until Steffy’s world comes crashing down.

    • Tonja morgan

      Yeah stuffy suffer I think hope and Finn would be good

  • Tonja

    Make steady suffer because of all her trashy traits! Let Hope have Finn and have Thomas come back and see what his sister took away out of spite against the logans

  • Tonja

    Make steady suffer because of all her trashy traits! Let Hope have Finn and have Thomas come back and see what his sister took away out of spite against the logans

    This the comment I want posted

  • Kdub

    Didn’t Sheila overhear talk about Hope’s feelings for Finn?! I bet Sheila is drugging Hope to break up Steffy and Finn. I think Sheila is drugging and killing everyone in her way to get Finn in her life, and Steffy out of his life.

  • Susi

    You’re really not gonna go there are you ? Hope taking pills ? We havnt seen her take 1 and that’s a terrible story line, plus a terrible excuse for her to be acting the way she is ! She knows why she’s acting like this ! Thomas shows up with Paris and Finn is rejecting her(for now) ! Please don’t make pills her excuse for acting the way she is acting !

  • Merle C

    I think the recast of Taylor was a poor choice. Steffy looks older than the recasted Taylor.

  • Sharon

    I want everyone to find out that Steffy and Liam kissed and that her daughter is really Bill’s. Bill had the results switched to protect Steffy and his relationship with his Liam. Finn and Hope should get together.