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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Hope’s Double Revenge, Beds Finn AND Liam?

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers reveal that Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) bonds with John “Finn” Finnegan (Tanner Novlan) once again. This time, it will be at Sheila Carter’s (Kimberlin Brown) memorial service and after a fight with Steffy Forrester Finnegan (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood).

However, Hope also shares a “touching” scene with Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) this week. So, could Hope get double the revenge on her rival?

The Bold And The Beautiful spoilers – Steffy Forrester Finnegan’s Gloating

B&B spoilers reveal that Steffy convinced Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) to break up with Hope. Steffy also told Thomas to take Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) from Hope and leave the country. Like a little puppet boy, Thomas did as his domineering sister ordered.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Hope’s Double Revenge, Beds Finn AND Liam?

Afterward, Steffy couldn’t stop gushing about her victory. Steffy just had to rub Hope’s face in it, which is just going to make things worse. In fact, Finn blasts Steffy during the week of April 1, 2024, accusing her of intentionally trying to reignite her feud with Hope.

B&B Spoilers – Annika Noelle’s Hint

During a recent live video on social media, actress Annika Noelle dropped a hint. The actress couldn’t give away any spoilers and admitted they really don’t know what happens until they get the scripts.

At the same time, Noelle hinted about Hope’s massive week. So, it seems likely that Hope will find a way to get back at Steffy.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – John Finnegan’s Bond

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers reveal that Finn and Hope developed a friendship over having complicated parents. Then, when Finn and Steffy separated over Sheila, Hope once again bonded with the good doctor.

While nothing romantic has ever happened between the characters, it sounds like something might happen soon!

During the week of April 1, Hope and Finn bond at Sheila’s memorial service. It happens after Steffy throws a fit about Finn attending Sheila’s memorial service.

The woman is dead, just let Finn say goodbye, sheesh. Back to Finn, since Steffy doesn’t understand him, that will give Hope an opening.

B&B Spoilers – Hope Logan Touched

Finn won’t be the only one who bonds with Hope, though. In the upcoming week, Hope is “touched” by Liam’s concern. With Liam back in Hope’s orbit, could we be seeing a new love triangle developing?

Will Hope end up in bed with both Finn and Liam? How will Thomas handle that when he returns from Paris?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Remember to keep watching the soap on CBS or Paramount+ to find out what happens next.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with B&B right now. Come back often for The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Tammy Wirtz says


  2. Rhetta says

    Stiffy give Finn a break allow him to attend his birth Mom’s memoral

    1. April says

      I agree Steffy needs to back off and let Finn go to the service she can stay home but Finn has the right to go if he wants it’s his mother

  3. Mariella113 says

    Steffy has gone too far and made it personal and nor her brother and nephew best interest just her own agenda nake it about Foresters and Loga ns

    I’m glad Finn and Hope will lean on eachother for the memorial.

    Steffy will just have to deal with it.

    I’m hoping that Hope will go to Paris and better explain herself in wsiting after all she just got divorced. Totally reasonable.

  4. Kat says

    Please don’t get Hope involved with Luam or Finn, let her and Thomas find the way back together.

    1. K says

      I wish Hope and Finn would stay friends, Hope and Thomas would find their way back together… and Ivy come not for Thonas but for Finn and Liam. Steffy is acting like a woman who needs to be knocked down a few pegs…. Thomas, Douglas, and Hope were happy. Hope rightfully needed more time.

  5. ZizzyTop says

    I want Hope and Thomas back together. And FYI writers. Hope sleeping with Finn and WaffLiem isn’t her getting revenge, it’s just Hope being a Logan….

    1. K says

      Hope spilling the beans about Liam kissing Steffy would be a good start… Steffy kept that secret…. Hope bringing Ivy back to town to drop a few truths would also be good.

      If Hope didn’t sleep with Finn and Liam and Finn both fell for Ivy, that would be a start.

      Steffy needs to come off her high horse. She has had 2 paternity tests.

  6. April says

    don’t turn Hope into Steffy by having her jump in bed with any man that comes around, Hope is better then that, I do think that Hope and Hope and good together, but if they did end up together Steffy would always be in the middle just like she is with Liam, and Liam needs to tell Steffy to back off Hope

  7. Jane says

    Hope that the writers Do Not put Hope with Finn or Liam she can do better than either one of them!!!!!!! A better story line would be if she took Beth and when to Paris to find Thomas her true love and Douglas and they got married over there and let them be happy. Thomas and Hope decide to open a new fashion house!!!!!

  8. Tina says

    I knew all along that Sheila wasn’t really dead. But wouldn’t the cops and the coroner know it wasn’t her when she miraculously had the toe that was supposed to be missing?
    I wish they would find someone new for Hope, Liam and even Finn and Steffy and Thomas be left completely alone. I’m sick of the same old story lines and the cheating. They are now pulling Luna into that mess. Why can’t she just have a normal faithful loving relationship. In the beginning I thought all of her drama would be finding out who her father is.

  9. Ann says

    Don’t let Hope to sleep with Finn are Liam. She would just be proving Steffy right. Plus to me it would her feeling for Thomas wasn’t real. Plus I thinks it would also have Finn and Liam having more respect for Hope.

  10. Sher says

    Hope should just let it slip about Liam kissing steffy Then head to Paris to find Thomas.

  11. Carol E Gutierrez says

    Steffy better watch it. Hope is going after Finn now. Just like she snuck in and got Liam. Steffy is about to get knocked off her high horse. Thomas is coming back after he wakes up and realizes his sister is jealous. I wish just once a couple could have a great relationship without someone trying to break them up.

  12. Mary K Smith says

    Let Hope go back to Lliam . They look good together. They still love each other.

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