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But now something important has come up that she’ll want to discuss with Thomas – his son, Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri). As B&B viewers know, Douglas has been living at the mansion and spending a lot of time in the cabin where Hope, Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton), and Beth live. Hope is head-over-heels in love with Douglas, and the feeling is mutual. And Douglas seems to be thriving as he spends more and more time with Hope and Liam.
Lope has recently made the decision to do whatever they can to keep Thomas as far away from Douglas as possible. After Thomas’ last impromptu visit with Douglas, the little boy wound up with anxiety and a stomachache, since Thomas berated him for “telling on him” about Beth to Hope and Liam. That was the last straw for Hope and Liam, who decided that it was time for them to protect Douglas in whatever way possible.
Well, it looks like Hope will decide to appeal to Thomas directly as a first step. According to B&B spoilers, Hope will have a serious talk with Thomas, during which she makes an emotional pitch about Douglas. Chances are, this will be the beginning of Hope trying to convince Thomas to let Douglas live with her and Liam on a permanent basis. And the conversation might not go entirely well.
After all, Thomas doesn’t seem to have any intention of formally relinquishing custody of Douglas to anyone. The way he sees it, he’s going through a rough patch right now, but he’ll soon get back on his feet. According to B&B spoilers, he’s got a plan in place to come back to Forrester Creations and regain his spot as a top designer there. And he’s certainly not planning on letting “the Logans” raise his son in the long term. That will be completely unacceptable to him.
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It will be interesting to see how this conversation between Hope and Thomas goes. It might start out on the civil side, but once Thomas realizes that Hope is lobbying to keep Douglas permanently and cut him out of his son’s life for good, he’ll probably start fighting back hard. In fact, he might let Hope know in no uncertain terms that Douglas is HIS son and that he alone will make the decisions about where Douglas lives and what happens with him.
And this could be the beginning of a major custody fight for Douglas. Hope and Liam certainly aren’t going to back down in their desire to protect Douglas from his father, and Thomas certainly isn’t going to just relinquish custody of Douglas to them. So, we could be looking at a big fight down the line as Hope and Liam lobby to gain permanent physical custody of Douglas.
Do you think we’ll see a nasty custody war over Douglas? Stay tuned to the CBS soap and don’t forget to check Celebrating The Soaps often for the latest Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, updates, and news.
Hope and Liam have no relationship to Douglas. Ridge and Steffy do. They should be given custody of Douglas until his father is either given proper psychiatric treatment and recovery or dies. Brooke needs to stop grabbing whatever she wants. I still recall her grabbing Bill from Katie, and apparently she has had affairs with every man on the cast who isn’t her son. Now she wants Hope to have Douglas.
She encouraged Hope to go after Liam when he was married to Steffy. She just demands and expects whatever she wants regardless of who it hurts. She should lose Ridge completely and be tossed out of the Forester company where she does minimal work.
Big Red I agree 100%!!! Brooke just takes & takes!!! She leads Ridge around by the nose!!! Everything has to be HER WAY!!! NOT!!!! She’s NOT STEPHANIE DOUGLAS FORRESTER!!!! Ridge should kick her to the curb once & for all!!!!!! Douglas should be with Steffy, his Aunt!!! I agree with Thomas. Get the Logans out of FORRESTER CREATIONS!!!!! They don’t belong there!!!
No, Hope and Liam don’t have a legal leg to stand on. Hope would look like a fool going into court trying to prove Thomas used Douglas to get married. She told her Mom (Brooke) this was her decision to marry Thomas. As well as Liam. Thomas & Caroline raised Douglas from birth and Thomas has been a single parent raising Douglas with no issues until he decided he wanted to marry Hope. If Thomas was smart he could twist the story and say Hope only married him to steal his son away to fill the void of her thought-to-be-dead daughter, Beth and her Mom, Brooke is helping her.
I hope that Steffy gets Douglas and not Hope she needs to divorce Thomas and move on. For once Liam needs to stand up and be a man he wouldn’t want anyone to take his child away so give Douglas to Steffy and Ridge until Thomas gets better
I agree Brooke is the worst step-mother ever! She has been a horrible stepmother to Steffy and Thomas their whole lives! Brooke has always been the cause of the dsyfunction in the Forrester family! Beginning with her disgusting affair with Ridge’s father Eric!
That’s not true. Liam is related to Douglas, Caroline was his cousin, making Douglas Liam’s second cousin. Also, neither Ridge or Steffy have offered to care for Douglas while Thomas is mentally unwell. You’ve obviously not watched this show from it’s inception. Brooke created the BeLieF Formula which helped propel Forrester Creations to the hugely successful fashion house it is today, she also was responsible for Brooke’s Bedroom line which was Forrester’s best selling line for years. Did Brooke sleep with a lot of men, yes, but she’s been on the show for 30+ years soap, of course, they’d have to have her sleep with other men….but so have Taylor and Steffy.