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The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers – Ready, Fire, Aim, Liam!
A good nickname for Liam might be “Ready, Fire, Aim!” Liam doesn’t think before he acts – he just goes off! His pattern is to make assumptions, not test them out, and react to whatever situation he finds himself in. This time he really blows it – because of making assumptions about Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) and his wife, Hope Logan Spencer (Annika Noelle), he will likely alienate her.
He might alienate Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline Macinness Wood) as well! Viewers of the Bold and The Beautiful will recall that Liam didn’t bother to call Hope before he ran straight to cry on Steffy’s shoulder after going to Thomas’ apartment. He had been told about the supper there that Hope and Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) had with Thomas. Hope and Douglas had actually left when Liam got there, but Liam always goes straight to the worst case scenario!
He barged in the door and thought he saw Thomas making out with Hope, when it was really the Hope mannequin! It’s almost as if he was using it as an excuse to run to Steffy again! This was after Steffy was his go-to gal to whine and complain that Thomas was still a threat to Hope, after Steffy and Hope both tried to reassure him Thomas has changed. Of course, hearing Thomas telling sweet nothing’s to the mannequin didn’t help!
B&B Spoilers – Liam Spencer Blasts Hope Logan Over Cheating On Him With Thomas Forrester
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Steffy tried to get Liam to contact Hope and ask her to clarify what he thought he saw. His mind of course went to the worst case scenario like it always does, and even though neither intend for it to happen, he goes for grief sex! First he grabs tequila from Steffy’s home bar, and they drink and talk and drink and talk and one thing leads to another! Both regret what happened, and Liam finally does go home to talk to Hope, but now he blasts her for having an affair with Thomas! Hope is confused, blindsided and hurt!
Liam is so mad he doesn’t even let her get a word in edgewise, and she honestly doesn’t know what he’s talking about! He accuses her of destroying their marriage, and the confrontation gets worse and worse. Finally, she’s able to understand what he thought he saw, but his suspicions and distrust of her are not only hurtful, they border on a turnoff! She knows he simply misunderstood what he saw, although his rant about Thomas making out with her shirtless doesn’t make sense! She realizes Liam’s imagination might have gotten away with him and Thomas may have been dressing the mannequin and things looked different than they actually were.
However, by the end of the week Thomas will be rushed to the hospital after Hope finds him in need of medical attention. Liam, not knowing about Thomas’ condition will level all kinds of accusations against him. When Hope and Steffy see Liam is ranting about a truly sick Thomas who needs help, it may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for both! They will realize not only is he emotionally torn between the two of them, he has his own obsession with jealousy of Thomas!
Stay tuned to The Bold and The Beautiful, and keep checking The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
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B&B has become disgusting and predictable. No woman deserves to be cheated on…At this point, Liam does not deserve any woman and Hope and Steffy need to destroy him. Poor Finn and now Finn and Hope will be together.
B&B has become boring as all get out! The same stories play over and over and over again! Liam and Hope and Steffy. Ridge and Brooke and Bill. Blah, blah, blah! I’m done watching.