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Of course, B&B viewers know that Brooke is very upset that Ridge divorced her and then turned around and married Shauna in Las Vegas. Brooke will go to Eric to vent and to get some advice about what to do. Eric has always been a big supporter of Ridge and Brooke, and he’s never thought that Shauna could come between Ridge and Brooke’s bond. Chances are, he’ll still think that’s the case.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Brooke Logan Seeks Advice From Eric Forrester
Brooke will probably be considering her next move and whether she really wants to fight for Ridge at this point. Ridge and Brooke’s bond is strong, but Brooke is really hurt that Ridge would have made the decision to divorce her during a night of binge drinking and then marry someone else. Eric may advise Brooke to put her hurt feelings aside and fight for Ridge.
The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Monday’s episode also say that Brooke and Quinn Forrester (Rena Sofer) will have words, so it looks like Quinn might show up as Eric and Brooke are winding down their conversation. It would be just like Quinn to eavesdrop on Eric and Brooke’s conversation and then swoop in to gloat to Brooke about how Shauna is suddenly Mrs. Ridge Forrester!
B&B Spoilers – Quinn Forrester & Brooke Logan Come Face To Face
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Of course, this is what Quinn has wanted all along – for Brooke to be the big loser while Shauna gets Ridge. That’s why Quinn was the one who told Shauna to text Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor) that night, pretending to be Ridge. One wonders when Quinn’s involvement in this whole matter will see the light, but for now, it seems that Quinn will have the upper hand and will gleefully revel in Brooke’s big loss.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Ridge Forrester Fills In Steffy Forrester On What Went Down In Vegas
Meanwhile, on Monday’s new episode of B&B, Ridge will pay Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) a visit at her place. Ridge will probably be feeling like he needs some support from his daughter, and he’d probably like to see his granddaughter Kelly Spencer (Colette and Avalon Gray) as well. While Ridge is visiting Steffy, he’ll have quite a story to tell her.
It looks like Steffy is going to be absolutely shocked to hear that her father not only ran off to Vegas and went through with a wedding ceremony to Shauna, but that he also divorced Brooke on that same evening. Steffy might worry about the potential damage that Shauna could do in their lives and to their company – after all, Ridge certainly didn’t insist on a prenup on a drunken evening in Vegas with Shauna!
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It seems that Steffy will want some answers from Ridge about what happened, and he’ll have to admit to Steffy that he was blacked-out drunk and doesn’t remember virtually anything about that night. And this will all come while Steffy is dealing with her terrible pain from the motorcycle accident. It definitely won’t be welcome news to Steffy.
It looks like we’re in for a great episode on Monday! Stay tuned to the CBS soap and don’t forget to check Celebrating The Soaps often for the latest Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, updates, and news.
Eric, please dump that sorry excuse of a wife. How the hell can someone else file their divorce papers. Writers get real as it is making us think we are stupid
THEY are all so ridiculous, talk about keeping it in the family , sleeping with brothers, father, sisters husband , STEFFY is as bad as BROOK, if I didn’t know the story lines , I would think they were mother , daughter, if it was real life would they compare the lovemaking of all the different family men , such crazy storylines
DG, that was right on target and well said. Eric when are you going to wise up and see Quinn for the trickster that she is?