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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Poppy Nozawa Gets Released, Katie Logan Will Pay?

Next week on The Bold and the Beautiful, spoilers say Katie Logan (Heather Tom) will get quite a shock.  Could that be news of her Bill’s new girlfriend’s release?  Katie is certain Poppy Nozawa (Romy Parks) is the Il Giardino killer, and even helped the cops “crack” the case. 

Pill Poppin Poppy wouldn’t be the first red herring in this storyline, and Katie could be eating crow soon.  Here’s what’s happening on Bold and Beautiful, spoilers ahead!

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Did Katie Just Make A HUGE Mistake

Katie Logan has insisted that her desire to put Poppy Nozawa behind bars was simply because she cared about her ex Bill Spencer (Don Diamont). 

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Poppy Nozawa Gets Released, Katie Logan Will Pay?

It’s pretty clear to anyone that has been watching The Bold and the Beautiful for the past few weeks that Katie is still in love with Dollar Bill, and a little bitter about his new baby-mama.  Did Katie let her jealousy cloud her thinking and campaign to put an innocent woman behind bars?

The Bold and the Beautiful’s summer whodunnit has been a twisty one.  But, the soap has been teasing for months that the killer would be a shock to everyone and isn’t who you think.  Poppy Nozawa’s arrest didn’t come as a shock to anyone, and we all saw it coming a mile away. 

It’s starting to look more and more like Poppy is being framed, and is just another red herring in this daytime mystery.

B&B Spoilers – Will Poppy Nowaza Get Cut Loose Too?

If Chief Baker cuts Poppy Nozawa loose like he did Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) a few weeks ago, she’s going to want Katie to pay for trying to have her locked away. 

Plus, Poppy is going to have an axe to grind with her for trying to turn Bill Spencer against her and create doubts in his head about their relationship.  It’s hard to say Katie doesn’t have it coming at this point.

Do you think Katie was wrong and Poppy is just another red herring?  Will Poppy want revenge on Bill’s ex-wife?  Let us know what you think in the comments below and keep checking back here on Celebrating The Soaps for more B&B spoilers, news, and soap opera updates.

  1. Joe says

    Let’s pray that this storyline ends real quick.

  2. Michelle says

    I don’t like the whole Luna story now. That kiss with Bill was so disturbing. I hope that was a dream.

    1. Jaylena says

      Such betrayal and so shocking.very disappointed.

    2. Henricka says

      Agree! Hopefully it was just a bad dream and Luna wakes up from it…Bill is confirmed as her Dad.

  3. Tonya Yount says

    I think Luna has a split personality and she killed the men and framed her mom.

  4. JDMCGEE says

    That kiss from Luna was twisted. What are you writers thinking?????

  5. Kate says

    I’m just about done watching this junk. I’m starting to feel I’m wasting my life. You need new writers

  6. Sandee says

    Just my opinion but I think Luna did it! It was The twisted smile she gave Bill and her hungry eyes look that made me see her in a different light.
    That and I think she is the one that had Starr”s backpack, possibly there the night He died, and had to play it off as if she just found it.
    That and being very angry with her mom’s
    betrayal caused her to snap. Jus saying

  7. Marilyn says

    I now think that Luna did it. She was angry with her Mom over the RJ situation and waited for the right time to strike. She saw her happy with Bill and wanted what she lost with RJ back.
    Tom accidently picked up Lunas backpack instead of his. Luna must have found the backpack later that day and went to go see Tom herself. She had a dad already and he was rich. She didn’t want to lose him so she gave Tom Poppy’s mints she never stopped taking to poison him.
    Hollister found the backpack and realized it was Lunas. He tried to tell Sheila but she didn’t want to hear it. So he called the owner (Luna). Probably asked why Tom had her backpack so he had to die. Luna took her backpack to the apartment that was being torn down thinking it would disappear.
    Her Mom had been telling her what Katie was saying and she saw her way to punish Poppy for ruining her pure love with RJ.
    I think that they are all wrong and years ago Li did a paternity test and found out Finn was the dad, so Li played right into Lunas hands by faking the teat to keep it all quiet. What a scandal that would cause.
    With Katie on the warpath all she had to do is let certain things slip to RJ. She knew he would run to Katie. Poppy got arrested.
    Luna didn’t count on Bill not being her dad but she saw a way to keep the money and all the perks. Hinse kissing Bill.
    Where does the crazy gene come from. It skipped a generation and Luna got it from Sheila. Since Finns daughter.

  8. Marilyn says

    She is twisted just like her Grandma.

  9. Alesia says

    Iif Bill isn’t Luna’s father, I believe Katie messed with the test. Otherwise she wouldn’t have insisted on him taking it again, especially after a Doctor administered the first paternity test. Lol BTW why did the test look like a pregnancy test?

    1. Pat says

      I think Katie is wrong she had Bill and didn’t want him. Now she is a mess.

      1. Henricka says

        Agreed! Katie is pathetic to watch. Would love to see the Logan sisters go down.

  10. Carolina says

    Actually, I believe that sheila is the killer no matter what ,and Luna ,I’m like others if the writers think this will bring viewers back, Don’t think so ,they should of kept her Dollar Bill’s daughter like Katie eat crap and WHEN WILL STEFFY &LIAM’S stolen kisses and in each other’s Arms come out, Oh Steffty gets off Of All her secrets and Hope’s Always Suffered due to Steffy’s Selfish feelings period ,had Enough hope soon this Soap Is Gone, for the writers are truly List and it’s time to Close The Curtains,

  11. Alicia says

    I’ve never liked Luna or Poppy, and I’ve always thought that they were shady, but after watching Fridays episode I’m really beginning to think that Luna could b the killer. I mean, she went from believing that Bill was her Dad, to kissing him and he minute she found out that hat he wasn’t, and that creepy little smirk that she gave? Uh-huh that girl is for sure up to something and it ain’t good

    1. Helen says

      I think it was Poppy’s sister the Dr.

  12. Ree says

    The entire show has gotten utterly ridiculous. The best thing going for it in a long time was the story line with Thomas and Hope. They just screwed that up for nothing. There is no way Thomas would have given up on Hope so easily after waiting years and years to be with her. Now, they have brought in a new Taylor that looks younger than Steffy or Thomas. She is a great actress but she simply looks way too young to play this role. It’s just not believable. The situation with Bill is so upsetting, it would take hours to get into. I used to love this show. Now, after about 3 minutes of watching it, I have no choice but to change the channel. That is if I bother to try and watch it at all. I know I cant be the only person that feels this way. It’s really very sad.

    1. Carla says

      Doubling down on what Violet is saying I’m getting so disappointed in these story lines and how the hell are you bringing on a Taylor that looks younger than Brooke what they think we forget shit.. I may stop watching because it’s getting really ridiculous

  13. Violet Lemm says

    I think Poppy raised Luna with her sister’s help, after getting pregnant by Finn, probably taking advantage of him as a young college or Med. Student, when he’d been drinking or taking Aunt Poppy’s “mints”. That’s probably the main reason Li acts the way she does towards her sister and I think Finn’s dad is in on the whole secret.

  14. Angela says

    Luna kissing Bill was sickening to watch it’s a real bad storyline to watch after 5 minutes she found out he wasn’t her dad

  15. Bonnie says

    I think LI’s ex-husband Jack is Luna’s father

  16. […] Poppy Nozawa (Romy Park) is relieved that Dollar Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) is finally visiting her in jail. […]

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