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B&B fans know that Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) was so-called friends with Vincent Walker (Joe LoCicero) for many years. Ridge has acknowledged on more than one occasion that he was fond of Vinny.
Just as Ridge has enabled Thomas’ destructive and at times criminal behavior, so too did Kaye’s character turn his head away from Vinny’s problems and the negative influence that he was in his son’s life.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Villain Remission Is Possible
Brooke Logan Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang) has been and remains right. Thomas was and is a threat to Hope Spencer’s (Annika Noelle) stability.
It is right to offer Thomas a nod, as he is truly working on being a better person. But Atkinson’s character has only been walking the chalk line for a number of months, which isn’t long enough to confirm his uprightness and could simply be a period of villain remission.
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Ridge defaults to his protective shield whenever Brooke sounds the alarm about Thomas’ personality flaws. Ridge extended that cover to Vinny, which allowed Thomas to believe that it was fine to enable LoCicero’s character when it never was.
B&B Spoilers – A Simple Dip Into The Sea
Bill has a well-earned reputation. Yes, he’s made some bad choices.
Diamont’s character did go a bit overboard when ordering Justin Barber (Aaron Spears) to give Ridge a dip in the sea a number of years ago. But Bill didn’t intend to eliminate Ridge, he simply wanted him to cool off.
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Ridge did interrupt the beautiful beach wedding that Brooke and Bill were having. Ridge used an out of context photo of Bill and Quinn Fuller (Rena Sofer) to cloud bride Brooke’s judgment in that instance.
Yes, Bill took matters to extremes. But he was simply reacting to the dramatics of the situation and responding to a rival.
The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Bill Spencer Isn’t Thomas Forrester’s Father
Those who may choose to believe that this article reads like a Spencer Publications press release or is intended as an early application for Justin’s job, since he’s destined to be out of it, should look at themselves and Ridge in the mirror.
Bill is not Thomas’ father. Ridge’s bad parenting skills are the reason why Thomas’ problems weren’t forcefully addressed.
But Ridge will blame Bill whenever it’s learned that Justin kidnapped Thomas. Bill had nothing to do with it, as he was incarcerated.
Bill was simply protecting his son, Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton), who was framed for murder by Vinny. He was Thomas so-called friend. Vinny was also the person Ridge was fond of.
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