The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Ridge Suspicion Of Thomas – Zoe Is In Danger From Villain

The Bold and the Beautiful: Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye)

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Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) shocked Zoe Buckingham (Kiara Barnes), as much as anyone, on ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’. His marriage proposal to her came out of the blue, as Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) later said.

Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) sat by, looking back at the woman he sees as his mother here on this earth. He’s come to love Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) and believed, like his father, that she should and would marry Thomas.

Well, that happened, but ‘Thope’ quickly collapsed due to the bald-faced lies he told and the outrageous actions he took.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Saying I Love You And Meaning It

Thomas does not love Zoe, but he said those words when pressed by Barnes’ character. Zoe felt she had to ask him that most important question because he’d never actually said the words to her. To do so in front of the gathered throng provided the needed answer.

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Viewers know what Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) suspect. Thomas is openly lying as part of his ploy to force Hope into asking him to marry her.

Yes, he’s pushed marriage under Hope’s nose quite often. But he’s changed his approach since the vat plunge, slowly painting Hope as the villain. Now, he wants her to come back to him, through his promoted guilt-trip, and remarry him so that Douglas will be happy.

B&B Spoilers – Hope Logan Is The Villain

In Thomas’ mind, he’s come to see Hope as the problem. Holding more than one dysfunctional thought, he also sees her as his solution.

The increasing public references to his failed efforts to be with Hope is a message. He wants to embarrass Hope in front of other people in order to increase the pressure for her to give in.

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Brooke told Zoe that Thomas was looking at Hope, to gauge her reaction to the proposal as it was happening. Zoe rejected Brooke’s analysis as an opinion that was based on being Hope’s mother. Sadly, Zoe is wrong and has put herself in a bad spot, as Brooke also said.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Ridge Forrester Asks Insightful Questions

Taking Ridge’s acceptance of Thomas’ engagement explanation as conclusive evidence that Kaye’s character remains an enabler would be naive. Yes, he did seem to endorse his son’s efforts, but the telling questions Ridge used to press Thomas were important.

From this point forward Thomas will need to prove something that’s impossible. He can’t perform flawlessly every moment of every day and has made mistakes, some through arrogance, others by overreaching.

Thomas will inevitably slip up, revealing that he actually loves Hope, not Zoe. Ridge only needs to be present during one of those moments in order for Thomas to lose his number one backer and protector. Here’s hoping Ridge continues asking questions leading up to this proposed wedding day and that Zoe is able to realize the truth ahead of time.

This site is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’.

B&Bbb spoilersFlo FultonThe Bold and the Beautifulthe bold and the beautiful spoilers‏Thomas Forrester
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  • Guest

    I guess they will have Taylor to be Douglas Therapist. I really love Douglas! He is a great actor. Can’t wait to see him win an award.

  • Guest

    I hope so it’s going on to long

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  • Guest

    Some one ELSE needs to see his EVIL plots, Steffy turned the tables on LIAM, & instead of wanting the truth she Joined in his macilious stint & every single one of them are STUPID, but BROOKE and LIAM, Why doesn’t Vinny just tell Hope or LIAM, or BROOKE the TRUTH- Descusting storyline

  • Guest

    Well it’s about time they all woke up to what Thomas is doing he is such a MORON for God Sake get rid of him before it’s toooooo late!