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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: What Was The Best B&B Storyline of 2020? Vote Now!

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: What Was The Best B&B Storyline of 2020? Vote Now!The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers reveal that we have seen a lot of Los Angeles storylines during the past 12 months. When thinking back about them all, it was hard to choose which one was the best. Also, “best storyline” is subjective. Excellent writing, good acting, shock value or just not being able to turn away from the screen might be a storyline that fans hate and vice versa.

That Fuzzy Feeling Just Isn’t Enough

B&B spoilers reveal that many viewers consider a great story one that they enjoyed. Something that made them feel good, like reconciled lovers or saved lives. Nothing else really factors into their decision. So, what you consider to be one of the best storylines might not even be on our radar and vice versa.

B&B Spoilers: ‘Best’ And ‘Fan-Favorite’ Are Not The Same

However, there are other factors that should be considered, such as creativity, shock value, unpredictability, stellar casting, phenomenal acting and not being able to turn away from the screen no matter how much you hate it. If a story is talked about online much more than other stories have been, that is considered a success. How long people talk about a storyline tends to indicate that it stays in people’s minds, which is gold. Also, was there a purpose or point to the story? “Filler” or “fluff” stories are not good no matter how fuzzy it makes people feel.

B&B Spoilers: The Top Contenders

It was difficult to decide which storyline was the best in 2020. Some of the top contenders included the mannequin, Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) falling into an acid vat and Shauna Fulton’s (Denise Richards) wedding scheme. We also considered Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) manipulating Thomas in order to adopt Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri).

Thomas Forrester And The Mannequin

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers reveal that in the end, we chose a controversial and highly criticized storyline. Thomas and the mannequin story has been slammed by a lot of viewers. Despite this, there are a lot of reasons why it’s the best story of 2020.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Winning Factors

What led to the mannequin storyline being the best in 2020? Let’s talk about creativity. Viewers have been complaining forever about the same storylines over and over. Love triangles and women at war have been done repeatedly for years now. Fans wanted something different, so that is what the soap tried to do. With COVID-19 safety guidelines making use of mannequins more than ever, it triggered a brainstorm. This type of story has never been done on a soap before, so we give them credit for imagination.

There was also the phenomenal acting of Matthew Atkinson and Annika Noelle (Hope Logan). Both actors said that the experience really challenged their acting skills, which they loved. The storyline was full of unexpected twists and everyone has been talking non-stop about it online. There was the shock value and despite most viewers hating the storyline, nobody could really turn away either. Some of the scenes kept people glued to the set because it was just so bizarre and extreme. All of these factors — not if fans felt fuzzy inside — make it the best storyline in 2020.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with B&B right now. Come back here often for The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, news and updates.

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