The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: What’s Next For Eric Forrester?

The Bold And The Beautiful: Eric Forrester (John McCoThe Bold And The Beautiful spoilers show B&B recently served up a plot involving a love triangle among Eric Forrester (John McCook), Quinn Fuller (Rena Sofer), and Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor).

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And while love triangles don’t qualify as an unusual story arc, Bold and Beautiful writers tried to add some spark by inflicting Eric with erectile dysfunction (ED).

But rather than intrigue B & B viewers, that story arc sparked annoyance.

Find out why so many Bold And Beautiful viewers dislike Eric’s ED plot, and how the writers could transform him from getting victimized to becoming victorious below!

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Why Fans Slam Eric Forrester’s Story Arc

The story line involving Eric’s ED initially focused only on Forrester and his wife Quinn.  But the plot shifted quickly to involve Carter, and that’s when the problems for viewers began.  First, some thought Eric became offensive in ordering Carter to serve Quinn as a lover to compensate for Forrester’s ED.

And that’s not the only problem.  Second, The Bold And The Beautiful writers portrayed Eric as a victim.  The soap opera showed Eric meekly listening to son Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) yell over the affair between Quinn and Carter.

And Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) joined in the “let’s get sneaky” game in trying to out Carter and Quinn’s affair.

The repeated yelling matches in front of Quinn seem to diminish Eric, forcing him to confess that he fears living alone if Quinn leaves.

B&B Spoilers – Can Eric Forrester Become Victorious Rather Than Victimized?

But the Bold And The Beautiful viewers may not have to suffer the seemingly endless ED story arc much longer.  And several options exist for Eric to triumph.  For instance, both Katie Logan (Heather Tom) and Donna Logan (Jennifer Gareis) have joined this plot.

But we assume both can’t win (unless the Bold And The Beautiful turns into The Bold And The Beautiful Sister Wives!).  For Kate, the opportunity get Eric to trust her listening skills could provide an opportunity.

But let’s not rule out Donna!  As The Bold And The Beautiful has shown, Donna continues to adore her “honey bear.”  And those scenes involving the Logans could provide Eric with a win.  First, let’s get realistic.

How long can Eric sit back while Quinn and Carter enjoy an affair?

By recognizing the reality of the situation, Eric and Quinn could decide on an amicable divorce.  That would put Eric back in charge of his destiny, opening the door for him to find love again.

Which brings us to the second way for Eric to win.  So here’s the question.  Will Donna or Kate find Eric’s sweet spot?  What do you think?  Tweet us your views!  And be sure to check back on our site for all the news about The Bold And The Beautiful.

John McCookThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold And The Beautiful 2021The Bold And The Beautiful Eric
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