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The Bold And The Beautiful: Steffy Quits Forrester Creations, Ridge And Eric Devastated

The Bold And The Beautiful: Steffy Quits Forrester Creations, Ridge And Eric DevastatedThe Bold and the Beautiful spoilers indicate Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) will make a shocking announcement soon on the CBS soap, thanks to the Logan women. 

Steffy is still furious that she now has to share the Forrester Creations office with Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) AND her mom Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang). 

But, what happens next will push Steffy over the deep end.  Here’s what’s coming up next week on Bold and Beautiful.

The Bold And Beautiful Spoilers – Heartbreak Ahead For Steffy Forrester

According to B&B spoilers, Brooke Logan’s presence at Forrester Creations is already starting to rub Steffy Forrester the wrong way. 

She’s looking forward to her Monte Carlo trip coming up with just her dad, Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye).  But, after her dad’s big reveal at Forrester Creations, all hell is going to break loose.

Steffy Forrester has made it very clear she has no use for her family’s Hope For The Future line (for obvious reasons).  In fact, if it wasn’t for her father, Hope’s company would have been shut down already. 

So, we have a sneaking suspicion, Brooke’s Bedroom line is going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.  There’s no way Steffy is going to be okay with her dad’s next move.

B&B Spoilers – Ridge Forrester Delivers Bad News On Bold And Beautiful

This week on Bold and Beautiful, Ridge will deliver Steffy some bad news.  Not only is he taking Brooke Logan on their father/daughter Monte Carlo trip, but he’s also bringing Brooke’s Bedroom back to Forrester Creations.

Steffy Forrester has made it very clear that she thinks Forrester Creations is a family business, and Brooke Logan and Hope Logan are NOT their family. 

Bold and Beautiful spoilers hint Steffy will feel so betrayed by Ridge’s loyalty to the Logan ladies that she does the unthinkable, and leaves Forrester Creations.

Can you even recall the last time Steffy Forrester wasn’t running FC?  Do you think Steffy is over-reacting or has Ridge crossed a line? 

Share your thoughts in the comments below and keep checking back here for daily Bold and Beautiful recaps and spoilers.

  1. Carlo says

    I hope steffy quits liam and steffy should get together and leave the show I am so over their S$#t. Finn should get together with hope

    1. Linda Harris says

      I think Hope should leave. She want every man on there. I hope Finn tell Steffy everything Hope said to him so she can get rid of the line. The only reason she is there is because Brook is involve with Ridge. I hope Liem leave and Hope not a fan of neither one.

    2. Lynda says

      I agree! She acts like she is better than everyone, it’s her way only and she treats men as her puppet and I hope that Hope takes her down because she treats Hope just awful and Hope has always been kind, caring and on Steffy side always and had forgiven Steffy all the times she took Liam away from Hope sleeping with Liam. Yes! Steffy deserves to be taken down.

    3. Ms. J. says

      Nope! Finn needs to stay with Steffy!! Hope should go crawl into a hole.

      1. Tina says

        Yes! Team Steffy. Just let her be happy

      2. Gloria says

        That is true Hope should crawl in a hole. Hope is going after Fin she is trying to break Steffy marriage. Like mother like daughter.

    4. LaToya says

      I so agree with you I’ve been saying that this whole time they always let Stephie get away with everything she stole them she stole her life she stole her wedding she stole her baby hope always get the poop end of the stick all the time and then they say oh the Logan’s is not family technically neither are rich Thomas and Stephie because Eric is not Rich’s real father did we all forget that so technically they’re not a Forester either

      1. Renae says

        Just to let you know she did not steal her baby. Her cousin and Dr. Bunkingham stole her baby and handed it over to Steffy to adopt

    5. Meg says

      Hope is like her mother..l really think it’s about time Steffy and Thomas come out on top..not like it always is, with Brook and her Hope always coming out on top..
      Steffy and Thomas please
      Kick the Logan’s to the Kurb where they belong.

  2. Sheleefre says

    Give Steffy a taste of her own medicine…Hope/Finn or Brooke as CEO, then keep her on the show so fans can enjoy the fallout.

    1. Dee says


  3. dragon says

    sorry to say but queen sheffy need to be knocked down a peg or two.ridge is still half ceo and he whats to bring back brooke bedroom line.and with hope line why don’t they get thomas to design for hope in Rome. and if steffy what’s to leave I would say bye bye

    1. Cynthia says


    2. Renae says

      They need to start getting along all of them

  4. Barbara says

    Steffy just speak her mine . I think they should do a sexing work line useing steffy.

  5. Rose says

    I agree with Steffy, it’s Forrester Creations, not the Logan creations. I hope it bombs, I hope people say it’s reaching out to far, it should be grandma lingerie, enough of kissing there butts Ridge, be a man and grow up. I don’t think your head can go up the Logan’s butt any higher!!!!!!

    1. Romy says

      Zo denk ik er ook over helemaal mee eens.
      Laat die Logan wijven vertrekken.
      Niets dan ELLENDE met hun.

    2. Ms. J. says

      He’ll find a way to go higher! He always does and always will. The Forrester men always thinks with the wrong brain. Ridge is not trustworthy to his family. Logans need to go.

  6. Ronda Dobson says

    Stephanie is a spoiled brat and shouldn’t be running a fashion house, she can’t even get her own life straight and no her mother doesn’t need to swoop in and save her. Taylor needs to fall off the cliff at Steffy’s house.

    1. Rjeaj says

      I don’t think Steffy’s moma is worstvthan brook. Hope runs to ger mommy all the time or Vrook rubs yo zhope telling her not to fo this and that and she dies what she tells her for example when she pushed Thomas over tge rail abd thought she caused him die did not run down stairs to looki ibto the big container to check on him. No she ran to her mommy and told her and Brook told her not to tell anyone nobody will know cause of what is in the container there is no way he will be alive even though it was an accident Hope told her. When I first watched the show she was fighting to get Ridge and planned or messing with the DNA testing tomprove Ridge is the father to her first born to make Ridge leave Taylor and his kids. I did not know who the real father was. I only maybe watched it for a few weeks here n there. Well after many years I started watching it again. I found out not only the first born. But also the second one was both Eric please if Ridge was ger first love she would of never had the love she had before. Then I found out Brook even skep with Thorn really. Then I saw myself how she tried to fight for Deacon and he refused her cause he in love n will be marring Quin so she got the Hope I love to video on her tablet and tried to stop Deason and Quinn in their home. Hope could not stop them and Deacon and Quinn not married. Brook tried to get Ridge to leave Caroline before hoing aftet Deacon, but he said no he is in love with Caroline n even lied to her that he was the dad to pregnant Caroline but really it was Thomas. But Ridge told her the Dr made a mistake n he can have kids. Talked Caroline into claiming its theirs cause Thomas is to much into partying n would not be a good dad. I think after breaking it with Bill while he was stillmmarried n living with her sister did she run to Ridge n so on. That’s not true love cause true love never dies I rather be all alone then be with someone just cause she can not be alone she always has yo have a man so many men and how many kids she dont even see her grand daughter from Rick please. Hope needs to go and bring Rick home and let him have a story that’s not a close family.

      1. Anonymous says

        I think you left out the part where Brooke slept with Deacon while Deacon was married to Bridget (Brooke’s oldest daughter). I’m pretty sure there’s not a man on there besides Charlie she hasn’t slept with. And little Ms Sweet Hope as someone on here called her can’t stay away from married men either. I’ve watched the show since its debut. I’ve seen all that Brooke did to manipulate herself into Ridge’s life weather he was married or not. I’ve seen how Hope was handed her own line at Forester without having to put in the work for it. And whoever said Steffy “stole” Hopes baby I think you need to rewatch. She never knew that was hopes baby she adopted she was scammed as well.

    2. Sarah says

      Exactly! Steffy is acting like a spoiled brat!

  7. Laurie says

    Steffy should turn her back on Ridge.Ridge is a Asshole and can’t act!!He should be the next one murdered!!

  8. Julia Katherine Johnson says

    Let her go, I don’t like her attitude for running a company.

  9. Christine Fazekas says

    Please get rid of Hope and Steffy to stay
    And finally say goodbye to Sheila

  10. Brian says

    I wish Steffy cn sell her shares back to bill den shit will hit the fan

  11. Juanita says

    I think Ridge is stupid always has been for Brook who’s not all that. Her (Brook) only claim to fame is the fact that she married all the Forrester men and her little bed room line. They need to finally let Ridge see Brook for the shit that she is. Let him stand next to this real family. They need to bring back Steffy sister the original one and the original Taylor with a really good story line and bring their family back together and stronger than ever kick Brook and Hope to the club and never look back.

    1. Brina says

      Can’t really bring back Steffi’s twin died a long time ago. Js

    2. Romy says

      Ik zou willen dat ze dat deden, gelijk heb je.
      Ik kijk het al een tijdje niet meer wegens Ridge en Brook.

  12. Smoove60 says

    Ridge has definitely CROSSED THE LINE. he is such a WHIMP. I think he should leave. I don’t agree with some of the things Steffy does but when it comes to family and business I do. Brooke controls all of the men and it’s time for her and her sisters to stand down. Go start a business of their own.

    1. Cbc2+hz says

      I say you go Steffy, I don’t even bother to watch the show, haven’t for 5 years. It always comes back to the Logan crybabies getting what they want. It’s called Forrester for a reason, and Brook is so jealous of Steffy and Thomas no one can forgive them but let the Logan’s past come up what a crime to remember their past. Go Steffy keep your shares , keep your power, come back a badass like never before.

  13. Loyal fan for Forester women says

    I think that Brooke and Hope should leave. Brooke has been the Foresters slut has slept and married all from father Eric and all of his sons has children from father and son that is not what I would call a decent lady now Hope is going in the same direction. Time to put them in their place Steffi. Make your grandma happy she also went through hell with slut Brooke then sleeps with her own daughters husband and you all think this is normal where you can condemn Steffi for having morals for her heating this women that get through life destroying family’s. Just because they can’t close their legs you go Steffy

    1. Alyce says

      Hope didn’t need paternity tests on both her pregnancies because she slept with father and son, then with same son and new boyfriend. Steffy is hypocritical.

    2. Gloria says

      That is so true the Logan’s Women like to breake up marriages. Like mother like daughter I’m sorry but I’m team Steffy. And Ridge please he is not all that to much PDA he and Brook need to give it up! They should have Steffy model the line not Brook is old and a granny.

  14. Carmela says

    I love Steffy. The Logans don’t belong there! Get them Steffy. And if Hope messes with Finn that’s when all hell is going to break loose!!!

  15. Anonymous says

    Good riddance not liking the character of Steffy anyway after the way she got in Thomas head twice and bullying Hope and she’s the reason for Paris being with Thomas but it won’t last Thope will be reunited despite Steffys evil machinations.

  16. Sandee says

    So sick of how off the wall Steffy is. She has made alot of the same mistakes Brooke has,jumping men and beds. Can’t stand her thing of she’s better. I call bullcrap on her. Leave Brooke and Ridge alone. I could never stand holier than everyone Taylor,have never liked her winey self.

  17. Jean Miller says

    Steffy is a spoiled little bitch. She had nothing to do with FC until recently and that was handed to her – Brooke has always been an integral part of FC from the very early years – her perfume line, the longerie liberal, she even owned a good share of FC stock at i
    one time. Steffy is still stinging from Ridge choosing Taylor over Brooke once again. I say let her quit and good riddance.

    1. Conner says

      If it wasn’t for Steffy tricking Bill to sell her the company, it would not be their company. I think Steffy has grown up a lot from being the person she was before. You can’t blame her really for getting her brother to see the truth about Hope. Soon as Thomas left, she after Finn again. She was never going to marry him. The company is not making money with Hope for the Future.

    2. Sarah says

      Yes! This exactly!

  18. Peggy Geer says

    Steffy is spoiled and she needs to know that Brook is a Forester. Hope needs a new man in her life not Steffys cast off. One richer and more powerful then all the Foresters. Need to make Finn grow some and be the man of his house not Steffy. Bring in a new Family. Luna needs to be Bills daughter that’s a good story line.

    1. Candace says

      Brooks not a Forrester neither is ridge or his offspring but stef do have rights to the company reason 1 it’s her grandma money that started it 2 if it wasn’t for her bill would have taken it don’t like the role they give hope to play never really liked brook but it’s a soap so we all know how it goes with the favorite of the show they always have it their way nothing in life is fair right

  19. Debra says

    Time for Steffy to grow up already, she has Finn and Kelly, be happy and live, stop worrying about Hope and Brooke; their day is coming

  20. Marilyn says

    Good I’m so sick and tired of Steffy she act like Ridge have to consult with her before a decision…she needs to face the fact that Ridge and Eric both has a Logan and they are family now Steffy needs to leave immediately because her actions and her feelings for the Logan’s will effect her business decisions

  21. Cheryl says

    I love Steffy! Her dad (Ridge) is the biggest fool I have ever seen. Brooke and her daughter sleeps with any who smiles at them. Hope is lusting after another married. Remember Liam was with Steffy, when she caught him with Hope. So much for her whorellier, (get it whore) attitude. I wonder what the HOPE for the future young girls would think about the lusting leader.

  22. Linda Harris says

    I hope Ridge finds out Brook knows Hope is trying to sleep with Steffy husband and didnt say anything see how long that is going to last. I hope Steffy get the courage to leave and sell her shares back to Bill Spencer. I am a huge Steffy fan she really keep it real. She is just like Stephanie was. Hope aint nothing but a big cry baby she is going to be just like her mom. I hope Finn dont fall for her and mess up his marriage with Steffy. I love them two together. I cant wait for Bill to find out Luna is not his daughter shit is going to hit the fan for Li and Poppy Bill is not the one to be played with when it come to family. Katie is going to be the one to find out on her own because Bill is being stupid about the whole situation.

    1. Karen says

      Totally agree with all of that!

    2. Gloria says

      Katie is the only Logan’s family woman I like on the B&B .

  23. Rhonda Hendrickss says

    Ridge has no loyalty to Stephie. I hope she does leave and get a job at the competition. Stephie is really a bully but she deserves better than that!

  24. Rhonda Maples says

    The Logan’s are horrible people! They don’t care who they hurt and with sleep with anyone. Brooke herself slept a number of her own daughters husband/boyfriend, and Hope is following in her mother’s footsteps! Ridge is an idiot not to see it and he’s stupid turning his back on his own daughter again! Ridge gets what he deserves!!

  25. Darlene Gardner says

    Don’t let Luna be bill’s, let poppy be the killer.Let Katie and Bill get back together, send hope off somewhere along with Brooke the Logan saga is old no one wants to see it repeated you are ruining the show with this Logan women crap its old news .

    1. Meg says

      Totally agree, the Logan’s should be sent to Paris,,

      Hope can go work as a waitress with her father..
      Forester is the Forresters not the Logan trash..

    2. Nita says

      I agree. I hope Katie and Bill get back together. I hope they don’t put Steffy back with Lim because he always dropped Steff and went back to Hope. Now Hope doesn’t want him he is in love with Steffy. I also have watched the story a long b time.

  26. Jacqueline says

    I am on Team Steffy. I am completely tired of the Logan family running Forrester Creations. When did Ridge dissolve into a love sick puppy?? It is not attractive. Finn needs to tell Steffy about Hope coming on to him. I definitely do not ever want to see Liam and Steffy together again.. yuck.

    1. Meg says

      Totally Agree with you..

  27. Myra says

    Can anyone recall the breakdown of ownership of Forrester Creations?

  28. Trish says

    Forester men are weak! Brooke has whored around them all. Steffy has watched her crap and her stupid fathers crap her entire life. Ridge is a useless weak father much less a CEO. He makes decisions based on HIS emotions and whats in his pants. Steffy is strong, doesn’t pull any punches…. exactly how a business woman should be!. I agree with her trying to push the Logans out. Hope has become a brat, wanting then not wanting only to want it when someone else has it. If Finn mucks around with Hope it will ruin the ONLY male on the show who hasn’t been unfaithful. Pleeeaaassse let him remain pure.

    1. Meg says

      100% Agree

  29. Wanda says


    1. Lizzy says

      You’re absolutely correct. I’ve watched this show since 1987 when it first came on. Hope was with Liam first and Steffy was jealous and decided she wanted him and went after him. I’m so sick of her higher than mighty attitude. I really don’t want Hope with Finn but I agree than Steffy should get hers.They should put Hope with someone new, Steffy will want him too.

  30. Marnie says

    Steffy needs to get a good lesson taught to her. She thinks she’s better than everyone else treats people like they are dirt treats her husband like he’s a child and always takes Liam over her own man. She has hurt hope long enough. Good riddance to both her and liam

  31. Cheryl says

    It’s about time Steffy gets what’s coming to her she is very vindictive and thinks she is gods gift to men.
    And as for Liam he just whines and whines maybe Steffy & Liam should be together they complain so much they suit each other.
    And as for Ridge (Mr Negativity) his storyline us so boring.
    Let there be a love battle between Hope Finn & Thomas

  32. Jeanette S says

    The show is centered around Forrester Creations. The writers are rewriting history. Brooke slept with Ridge, Eric, and Thorne Forrester. Now Her daughter. Hope, is beginning to do the same thing by sleeping around with different men.
    The writers are show favoritism toward the Logans (it is obvious). Steffi should start her own fashion industry.

    1. Meg says

      Yes yes yes

    2. Lizzy says

      Taylor did the same thing. Watch back episodes from the 1987 beginning . You will see!

  33. Jennifer Russell says

    I think stuffy should leave the show hope should give Steffy a taste of her own medicine and steffy needs to understand they are all family hope deserves to have her line at fc hope always gets pushed to the back burner

  34. Beverly says

    I think that all you that written in with your reflection on the story should remember that this is Written by people who know what to write to keep you on your toes. It’s called a SOAP OPERA LADIES

  35. Syloan777 says

    It’s her choice but Steffy should leave Forrester Creationsand work somewhere else. 1 she doesn’t need it and 2. Ridge did go too far I would leave too if thus happened.

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