A Beginner’s Guide To Watching Coronation Street

A Beginner's Guide To Watching Coronation StreetCoronation Street has been on the air since 1960 and has dozens and dozens of characters. Even though it may seem overwhelming when you are getting started, there are some basic guidelines to follow that will make it easier if you are a newbie. Keep reading if you are a beginner wanting to get started on Corrie.

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The Basics of Corrie

There is one basic rule of Coronation Street. The characters don’t have boatloads of money, don’t wear evening gowns to the grocery store and certainly don’t live in mansions. They are regular, everyday people like you and me. They are people with jobs, struggles, challenges, and victories.

They don’t look like movie stars because they aren’t movie stars — they represent the traditional working person. They have people who die from illness, who get evicted from their homes and who go through the same things that individuals in real life go through.

That is what makes this soap so appealing worldwide. It is also one of the reasons it has been on the air a whopping 59 years!

Real-Life Struggles

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Speaking of real-life struggles, don’t expect the soap to tiptoe over touchy storylines. They go into them head-on and full-blast. Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) being groomed and sexually abused as a boy and having his molester, Kel Hinchley (Joseph Alessi) return is one example. Another is the story of a young girl who used illegal skin-lightening creams.

However, the soap also does it responsibly by providing information and resources for viewers struggling with something similar.

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Pick Just a Few Characters to Focus On

Coronation Street has so many characters that you won’t get to know them all at once. When I first started watching, there were a few characters that got my attention. I started by focusing on them and their stories. Then over time, I started to slowly get to know the other characters. That is my suggestion for new viewers – don’t get overwhelmed trying to learn everyone and every storyline at once.

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Don’t Worry About Past Storylines

Some shows aren’t easily understood unless you have been watching from day one. Corrie isn’t one of them. It’s been on the air for nearly six decades. Just focus on what is happening now and if you are curious about a character’s past or what links two plots together, then you can do some research on that.

It’s a big soap, but it’s nothing to get too overwhelmed by! Just sit back, enjoy it and fall in love with the characters and storylines that dance upon your screen.

Be sure to tune in to catch up on everything happening on Corrie right now. Come back here often for the latest Coronation Street spoilers, updates, news, and rumors!

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