Coronation Street Spoilers: Mrs. Cranshaw Makes An Unexpected Move On Daniel Osbourne

Coronation Street spoilers and updates tease that Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) will be stunned after his boss, Mrs. Cranshaw (Carla Mendonça) makes a move on him. How will Daniel handle the awkward situation?

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Coronation Street Spoilers – Mrs. Cranshaw Makes A Pass At Daniel

It all starts when Daniel meets up with Mrs. Cranshaw to talk about the school trip. Their discussion turns personal when the latter confides in him that her husband left her. Daniel tries to help out by getting the trip off Mrs. Cranshaw’s plate during this tough time.

He offers to take over the planning of the school trip to Edinburg, to which Mrs. Cranshaw agrees. Daniel is delighted when he learns that Nicky Wheatley (Kimberly Hart-Simpson), the newly appointed assistant, will assist him.

Later in the week, Mrs. Cranshaw tries to flirt with Roy Cropper (David Neilson) to no avail. But it seems like Mrs. Cranshaw has shifted her eyes onto someone else. Daniel will be stunned to find her at his door with a bottle of wine and telling him to call her Orla. How will Daniel deal with his boss? Will he let her in?

Coronation Street Spoilers – Daisy Midgeley Worries About Daniel And Nicky Wheatley

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Daniel and Nicky previously had a romantic connection. The idea that they’re working in the same school is enough to make Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) insecure.

When she learns that Nicky will help Daniel in planning the school trip, Daisy will feel upset and worry even more. Fans know that Daisy feels threatened by Nicky and she doesn’t want Daniel to get close to her.

Hart-Simpson teased that things will be “spicy” between the three characters.

“This is when Corrie is at its very best. They are very similar and share traits, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out,” she said.

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“Nicky will see Daisy as catnip – like ‘sit down, little girl’ vibes. They probably have similar interests. If they did a quiz about themselves, they would probably give very similar answers. They are both strong fiery women,” she continued.

The actress added that her alter ego doesn’t have to try very hard because of Daisy’s insecurities. Nicky can easily embarrass Daisy if she wants to. She just needs to point out the latter’s actions to make her feel jealous and insecure.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Corrie right now. Come back here often for Coronation Street spoilers, news, and updates.

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