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Viewers want Thursday Episodes of Favorite Soaps
The new schedule for each soap opera was announced not long after they stopped production, but it did not officially come into effect until March the 30th. Hollyoaks and EastEnders are only showing two episodes a week, which fall on Monday and Tuesday. While Coronation Street and Emmerdale are both showing three episodes in a week with them falling on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This would not be a big problem except that viewers realized that Thursday, they were left without any soap operas to watch, which made things boring for them. Many viewers suggested that they change the schedule in order to have one of the soaps airs on a Thursday in order for there to be an episode to air on every day of the week. With some suggesting that one of the two EastEnders episodes air on Thursday.
Viewers give Opinions of Schedule Changes
Some of the viewers think that Tuesday and Thursday would be good days for EastEnders to air since no soap plays on those days. One viewer commented, “Anybody else prefers #EastEnders to be on tv on Tuesday and Thursday so its kind as spaced out over the week so the week isn’t so blooming long to have to wait for the next installment of Eastenders!!!”
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While an Emmerdale fan felt like the soap should air on Thursdays as well and comments, “Why can’t it be Emmerdale Tues, Wed and Thurs… least we’d have at least one good soap on every day. Thursdays are gonna suck now!”.
It seems that many viewers are not too happy about the changes that have been made. Many viewers are okay with the number of episodes being shown but would just like to enjoy their soaps every day instead of having a day of no soaps. What do you think? Should one of the soaps show their episode on Thursday? If so, which one should change their schedule?