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Find out the purpose of the GoFundMe page in Heard’s name. And see why fans feel so strongly about contributing. Get all the details below.
GoFundMe Page For Amber Heard Represents Domestic Violence
Amber Heard fans have rushed to contribute to her GoFundMe page. However, the goal of that page focuses on fundraising for an organization dedicated to battling domestic violence. And rather than the actress herself, a devoted fan set up the page, according to Radar Online.
Heard still needs to pay more than $8 million to Johnny Depp in the wake of her trial loss. But the GoFundMe page honors Amber’s allegations that she suffered from domestic violence. As a result, the money collected will go to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).
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Kylie Putnam, a super fan of Amber’s, created the “Donate to the NCADV In Amber Heard’s Honor.” And after supporting Heard throughout her defamation trial against Depp, Putnam reportedly vowed to continue the battle. However, her decision to create the GoFundMe for NCADV also showcases Kylie’s belief that Amber told the truth about suffering domestic violence.
GoFundMe Page Defends Amber Heard And Other ‘Survivors’
As a result of the fan’s support, the GoFundMe page features Putnam’s defense of both Amber Heard and domestic violence survivors. “For years, Amber Heard has been subjected to a swarm of relentless harassment and vitriol for coming forward about her personal experience with domestic violence,” shared Kylie. “And the media frenzy surrounding the Depp vs Heard trial has only made the situation more dire.”
However, the fan also accused the jury and social media of victim-blaming. “Even with the piles of evidence documenting the abuse that took place, the truth is repeatedly ignored in favor of rhetoric drenched in victim blaming and mass cruelty,” added Putnam on the GoFundMe page. “The world’s response to Amber Heard not only hurts Amber but survivors everywhere.” And Kylie claimed that Heard’s loss in the trial sends a message. “The message is clear: ‘This is what happens when you speak out,'” added the fan.
AMP in the post
As a result of Putnam’s efforts, the page has almost achieved its goal of $2,000. And Putnam also described her reason for creating the GoFundMe. “It’s hard to hear the people next to you when the harassment and hatred is this loud,” Kylie stated. “So I decided to start a GoFundMe to make a donation to the NCADV in her honor to remind her that there are people who stand with her.”
Tell us what you think. Do you support the fan’s reason for creating the GoFundMe to honor Amber Heard? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news.
Editorial credit: Tinseltown /
I don't think this "fan" should set up this fund in honor of Amber Heard because a jury of her peers gave the verdict that Amber lied. Now this fund is set up based on LIES. Not right.
It’s lacking evidence! Ambers lies go on with this fan of hers. All I can say is I’m glad She is not in Johnny’s life. People like her can consume you and eat you alive!
she should still have the 7 Mill. she was suppose to donate to charity " what she only pledged". Plus $ 2.000.– is 4 bottles of her fav. wine. LOL. Go fund me is not helping that one….you spend your hard earned money on somebody who is living in luxury and spend more money as some of you ( incl. me) ever earn. Reality got to sink in at some point. I could go on and on, but not worth my breath. If you want to donate pick a charity and give them money, not to a Gold digger !
It’s great that this fan wants to help real victims. And the GoFundMe account will ensure that the money will actually GET TO THE CHARITY! NOT in Amber’s pocket!!
I wouldn’t give her 1 penney ! Can’t believe people are falling for her lies snd contributing to her ho fund me page. She’s a loser !
Do her "fans" know she's continuing to rent the $22,000/month house in Virginia and that in 2019 she bought a desert retreat with "pledged" funds and put it in a private trust in her accountant's name so the sick kids, nor JD can get it. Do they know she set up Musk for child support? Do they know she got the 2 dogs in the divorce settlement (tiny yorkies) one of whom JD inherited from his mother? And then she gave them to her father who did jail time for animal cruelty and running a dog fighting ring (fight to the death!) and the yorkies were probably bait? AH is one of the sickest most depraved people on the
Amber Heard has hurt abuse victims by being an abuser claiming to be abused. Listening to her craziness on the audio tapes was absolutely insane she is not abused but she is extremely abusive.