Andrew Tate Detained On Suspicion Of Human Trafficking

Andrew Tate the infamous men’s rights activist was detained by Romanians on suspicion of rape, human trafficking, and being part of/ forming an organized crime group.

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For clarity purposes, Andrew Tate is a controversial social media influencer who is infamous for making derogatory comments about women, taking controversial stances on issues of rape by blaming the victims, and making misogynistic comments all over social media.

Due to his controversial stance on cases like promoting violence towards women, and rape, several social media platforms banned his accounts from making use of their platforms to preach such things.

When I talk about Andrew blaming rape victims, it’s not just a saying, this is one of the tweets he made one time in 2017, “If you put yourself in a position to be raped, you must bare some responsibility. I’m not saying it’s OK you got raped.”

“No woman should be abused regardless. However, with sexual assault, they want to put zero blame on the victim whatsoever.”

That same year, following his rape stance, his Twitter account was banned permanently. It was only recently reinstated after Elon Musk took over.

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Andrew Tate — Andrew And His Brother Tate Were Detained

On Thursday, Dec. 29, former Kickboxer Andrew, and his brother Tristan Tate were detained for 24 hours straight in Romania.

The next day Dec. 30, Ramona Bolla a spokesman for Romania’s Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) told “Associated Press” that prosecutors requested for the Tate Brothers’ arrest warrants be extended to 30 days.

According to a statement issued by DIICOT, Andrew and his brother were detained after the agency, and policemen from Bucharest Organized Crime Brigade executed a search in five different houses for an investigation of human trafficking, rape, and creating an organized criminal group.

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The statement also revealed that four suspects were detained—two British, and two Romanians. The prosecutors said in a statement that the four men had a crime group where they take women hostage and force them to do things against their will.

The prosecutors’ statement obtained by Reuters states; “The four suspects …appear to have created an organized crime group with the purpose of recruiting, housing and exploiting women by forcing them to create pornographic content meant to be seen on specialized websites for a cost. They would have gained important sums of money.”

This is not Andrew’s first time having issues with the authorities. As a matter of fact, Before Andrew moved to an undisclosed place in Romania, several women had accused him of abusing them in one way or another.

Daily Mail reported that a spokesperson for the Tate brothers said, “We cannot provide any details at the moment regarding alleged reports that they have been detained; however, Andrew and Tristan Tate have the utmost respect for the Romanian authorities and will always assist and help in any way they can.”

Andrew Tate — Was Andrew’s Detention Courtesy Of A Pizza Box?

A day before Andrew’s detention, he had a back-and-forth on Twitter with Greta Thunberg a climate activist who’s also a multiple Nobel Peace Prize nominee.

Andrew bragged about the number of assets he has, and his fleet of cars to Greta before going ahead to tell Greta, “please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.”

Greta wasn’t gonna give Andrew the satisfaction he craved so she indulged him ever so savagely with, “Yes, please do enlighten me. Email me at”

Angrily, Andrew replied the 19-year-old with a video of himself in a bathrobe, smoking and eating pizza before calling out to an unseen person to, “Please bring me pizza and make sure that these boxes are not recycled.”

TMZ reported that Andrew unknowingly revealed his location to the authorities after his box of pizza from “Jerry’s Pizza” was featured in the video.

When the news of his detention was released, speculations that it was the pizza box that gave his whereabouts away filled online. Greta tweeted, “This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes.”

Despite the possibility of the Pizza theory, Ramona Bolla debunked it while speaking with “Associated Press” saying, “funny but no.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Andrew Tate right now. Come back here often for all the Andrew Tate’s spoilers, news, and updates.

Andrew TateAndrew Tate spoilersAndrew Tate updatesTate Brothers
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