Ben Affleck Can’t Stop Talking About This One Person – And It’s Not Jennifer Lopez

Ben Affleck can’t stop gushing about this one person in his life, and no we are not talking about his wife Jennifer Lopez here. Instead, it’s his best friend, Matt Damon. Keep reading below to find out why.

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Ben Affleck Can’t Stop Talking About This One Person – And It’s Not Jennifer Lopez

Speaking to The Globe in a new interview, Ben made it no secret that if there’s one person that he considers to be his ‘number one,’ it’s most definitely his best friend Matt Damon. Sorry, Jennifer. That’s mostly because Ben and Matt share so much history between them.

The actor put it this way, “We’re old enough now to look back at 25 years and go, well, who you spend your time with at work turns out to make up a very big part of the quality of your life. If you’re really lucky, you love what you do and you love who you work with, and as they say back home.”

Ben then said with a Boston accent, “Ya Nevah Work Anothah Day In Ya Life!”

In the same interview with The Globe, Matt said that he always keeps the people that he cares about the most close to him. He said, “I’m very mindful of when I do get to work with people that I love. I appreciate those moments because they are so hard to come by.”

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Ben and Matt Have A One of A Kind Friendship

In a separate interview, Matt and Damon admitted that they used to share the same bank account when they were starting off in Hollywood.

They did this to actually help each other out with paying for their auditions before they got their big break. Matt recalled, “It was unusual, but we needed the money for auditions, a weird thing in retrospect.”

Ben then added, “We were going to help each other and be there for each other. It was like, ‘You’re not going to be alone. I’m not going to be alone. Let’s go out there and do this together.’

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Editorial credit: Tinseltown /

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