Britney Spears Responds To Son Jayden’s Speech About Their Relationship

Britney Spears’ son Jayden Federline, 15, revealed in an ITV interview with Daphne Barak on September 1, that the reason he and his elder brother Sean Preston, 16, skipped their mom’s wedding with Sam Asghari was because the whole family weren’t invited to the wedding so, if he and Sean had attended the ceremony, it would have caused a lot of issues in the family. For this reason, they decided to sit it out.

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Jayden also said that at one time his mom inspired him after he saw her on TV performing on stage and shaking the hands of people who came to watch her perform. He realized that his mother is a very popular person who is doing well for herself and that inspired him a lot. Speaking on the conservatorship of his mother, Jayden just like his father Kevin supports his grandfather Jamie Spears, Jayden thinks his grandpa is a good man and is only being a good father to Britney.

Jayden also made a comment about Britney’s habit of constantly posting on social media, Jayden said his mother posts to get attention and that is something that has been going on for years, he thinks Britney loves the attention she gets from social media more than her family. He also said Britney didn’t show enough love to Sean and that’s unfair.

Jayden hopes that for his sake his mom would do away with social media, and as for mending their broken relationship, Jayden said “I 100% think this can be fixed. It’s just going to take a lot of time and effort. I just want her to get better mentally. When she gets better I really want to see her again.” Then while addressing his mom personally, he said “I love you a lot, I hope for the best for you. Maybe one day we can sit down like this and talk again.”

Britney Spears’ – Response To Her Son

Not long after the news of Jayden’s outpour of what’s going on with his mom and him, Britney responded by first apologizing for not living up to the expectations of the type of mom her son wants her to be, she went on to reply what Jayden said about not loving them enough and said that she loves her children to the end of the world, “…I say to my son Jayden that I send all the love in the world to you every day for the rest of my life!!!! My love for my children has no boundaries and it deeply saddens me to know his outcry of saying I wasn’t up to his expectations of a mother…” Britney wrote. “And maybe one day we can meet face to face and talk about this openly!!!!”

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Speaking about her conservatorship and what Jayden said about her father being right, Britney told her son that if he thinks that what his grandpa and their family did to her is right, then he needs to have a seat and have a face to face discussion with his father to learn about what it right and wrong. Britney then lashed out at her child who is staying with his father and calling his father’s house his “safe space” for preferring Kevin over her even though Kevin hasn’t had a job in over 15 years.

“I assume it is easier for you guys not to have someone check on you to make sure you are doing your homework!!! I’m sure the standards of your dad smoking weed every day benefits your daily life at 15 and 16 to partake in a VERY COOL GENERATION !!!”

Britney Spears – Calls Kevin Federline A Hypocrite

Britney went on to list the number of things she did to make sure her children are well taken care of while their dad does absolutely nothing, she then went on to call Kevin a hypocrite who condemns the media but sends his child to speak to the media about their private lives. “It’s horrible to see your dad be a hypocrite and say media is horrible yet he has you talking about personal matters to them!!!”

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Speaking of her mental health with Jayden also spoke of, Britney advised her son to make sure he reads a book before coming out to comment on his mother’s mental health. “As for my mental health…my dear child understand you must learn to pick up a book and read one before you resort to even thinking about my intellect sweetheart !!!”

“If you can honestly sit back and say with your sensible brilliant mind what Memaw and Paw Paw did to me was fine and call them not bad people… Then yes I have failed as a mother and hopefully that’s a chat for you and your father to sit face to face and try to learn WHAT’S GOOD.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Britney Spears right now. Come back here often for all Britney Spears’ spoilers, news, and updates.

Editorial credit: DFree /

Britney SpearsBritney Spears ConservatorshipBritney Spears NewsBritney Spears spoilersBritney Spears updatesKevin Federline
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  • Anynomous

    Ok, Britney is a loon….she is making herself look really bad..she has mental problems she was not place in conservership for no reason…she denied abuses drugs and alcohol…..she lock her kid in a room and wouldn’t givehibaclk to his father…she is blaming everyone for her probems,when the facts speak for themselves and tobe so mean to your kid,after all the abuse you claim just proves you are not well….