Britney Spears’ Unapologetic Apology To Son Over Social Media Posts

In a nutshell, Britney Spears is “sorry but not sorry” and not even her children can do anything about that. For Britney, gone are the days when she does exactly as she’s told, allow herself be controlled, does everything to please everyone just to end up displeasing herself, and realizes that the people she did it for don’t give a crap about her.

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Now, remember the ITV interview Jayden Federline, 15 had with Daphne Barak about his mom on September 1, where he said that Britney loves social media more than her family and that Britney makes constant posts to get attention from social media and wishes that for his sake, Britney would stop social media? In his exact words, “It’s like almost as if she has to put something on Instagram to get attention, this has gone on for years and years and years, and there’s a high chance that this is never going to really stop, but I’m hoping for me, maybe she will.”

Well, Britney has finally decided to reply her son who thinks her mom is still the same person he grew up to know as someone who takes orders from everybody.

Brittany Spears — Britney’s Response To Jayden’s Social Media Plea

Britney began by acknowledging that she hasn’t posted about her family before moving straight to apologizing to children for her constant use of the social media, she apologized for the fact that her constant use of the social media made them think she does it for attention but she quickly switched to unapologetic in a twinkle of an eye.

“I’m sorry you feel I do it for attention … I’m sorry for the way you feel … but guess what ???? I’ve got news for you … I’m a child of God as well we all are in God’s eyes … so NOPE I’m not sorry … I’ve learned to say SO !!!”

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In the ITV interview, Jayden revealed that the reason he and his elder brother Sean Preston, 16, skipped their mom’s wedding with Sam Asghari was because the whole family weren’t invited to the wedding so, if he and Sean had attended the ceremony, it would have caused a lot of issues in the family so they decided to sit it out.

Jayden said that as for mending their broken relationship, Jayden said “I 100% think this can be fixed. It’s just going to take a lot of time and effort. I just want her to get better mentally. When she gets better I really want to see her again.” Then while addressing his mom personally, he said “I love you a lot, I hope for the best for you. Maybe one day we can sit down like this and talk again.”

Britney Spears — Britney’s Response To Jayden’s Interview

Not long after the news of Jayden’s interview on what’s been going on with his mom and him, Britney responded by first apologizing for not living up to the expectations of the type of mom her son wants her to be, she went on to reply what Jayden said about not loving them enough and said that she loves her children to the end of the world.

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Britney also spoke about her conservatorship and what Jayden said about her father being right, Britney told her son that if he thinks that what his grandpa and their family did to her is right, then he needs to have a seat and have a face to face discussion with his father to learn about what it right and wrong.

Britney went on to list the number of things she did to make sure her children are well taken care of while their dad does absolutely nothing, she then went on to call Kevin a hypocrite who condemns the media but sends his child to speak to the media about their private lives. “It’s horrible to see your dad be a hypocrite and say media is horrible yet he has you talking about personal matters to them!!!”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Britney Spears right now. Come back here often for all Britney Spears news, and updates.

Britney SpearsBritney Spears BabyBritney Spears DramaBritney Spears Jayden
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