Ezra Miller Undergoes Treatment For “Complex Mental Health Issues”

The Flash Star Ezra Miller has decided to go for treatment for “Complex Mental Health Issues.” Following the series of havoc, chaos, assaults, felony, etc created by the actor since 2020, Miller who is non-binary and prefers to be addressed as they/them released a statement through their rep that they have gone to receive treatment, they also apologized to everyone they caused pain since the past two years.

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The statement says that Miller recently underwent an intense crisis and it led them to understand that they have complex mental issues so they went on to go for their treatment, the actor also said “I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior. I am committed to doing the necessary work to get back to a healthy, safe, and productive stage in my life.”

Ezra Miller — Some Of The Havocs Miller Created That Led To His Arrests

Four months ago, in March, Ezra Miller who starred in the DC Film The Flash, Justice League, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League, was arrested in Hilo, Hawaii for disorderly conduct and harassment after an incident at a Karaoke bar.

Miller was in a Karaoke bar in Hilo, Hawaii where people were singing Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s ballad “Shallow,” suddenly, Miller yelled obscenity, grabbed a mic from a 23-year-old lady, and lunged at a 32-year-old man playing darts.

Miller was arrested the following day at Margarita Village and charged with disorderly conduct and harassment. They were released after paying $500. Hawaii Assistant Chief Police said the song aggravated Miller. Police described Miller as a visitor from Stamford, Vermont, and that Miller has been the source of police calls 10 times since early that month.

Two years ago, Miller was ejected from a bar in Reykjavík, Iceland, after being filmed choking a woman and throwing her to the ground.

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Ezra Miller Arrested For Second Degree Assault

Three months ago, in April, Ezra Miller was arrested again on the island of Hawaii for second-degree assault.

According to the Hawaii Police Department in a statement, they said that Miller was arrested in the lower Puna district of the Big Island. Officers were called around 1:10 a.m. to a private residence to respond to a report that Miller had become irate after being asked to leave a late-night gathering.

It is said by the police that Miller had allegedly thrown a chair at a 26-year-old woman striking her on the forehead, leaving her with a half-inch cut. Miller was arrested nearby about 20 minutes later after being found during a traffic stop.

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The actor was released from custody shortly after 4 a.m. after police conferred with the local prosecutor. The police said, “This is an active investigation.” However, the injured woman refused treatment for her wounds, according to the statement.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Ezra Miller right now. Come back here often for all the Ezra Miller’s spoilers, news, and updates.

Editorial credit: DFree / Shutterstock.com

Ezra MillerEzra Miller HospitalizedEzra Miller newsEzra Miller updates
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