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The Bed Wheeling Prank
Let’s just keep in mind that this isn’t the first time George successfully planned and pranked Richard Kind. George and Julia made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday, Oct. 13, there, they narrated a story of how George, Julia, and a few of their co-stars in Oceans 11, Brad Pitt (Brad’s involvement in this doesn’t come as a surprise) Matt Damon, and Don Cheadle, pranked Richard while he slept.
Here’s how it happened, according to George, Richard came to visit them in the casino where they lodged, so they kept a rollaway bed for Richard, in the middle of their fun, or shall I say, while they were drinking, Richard dozed off on his rollaway bed. Julia said they had a cocktail party around Richard’s cot, then they wheeled his bed out of the room and into the middle of the casino.
“We were staying down in these rooms down at the bottom of the casino, and we had a rollaway bed for Richard. We were all up drinking and talking, and it was there and, you know, Pretty Boy Damon was there and all that. And Richard falls asleep on his rollaway bed.” Continuing, he said, “Whilst we’re all kind of chatting!” Julia chipped in with “We’re having a little cocktail party around him in his cot.”
Clooney added while laughing, “We take the cot, and we wheel it up into the middle of the casino and leave him there. There were a lot of like, old ladies with that thing,” he added, miming pulling a slot machine handle. “Like, ‘What the hell’s that guy [doing]?” Now picture Richard waking up in the middle of the Casino wondering what and how he got there in the first place, his face when he realized that he was pranked, funny right? I know!
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The Cat Poop Prank
Like I said earlier, George is a notorious prankster, Richard is just the receiver. During a conversation with SmartLess Podcast, George told the story of how he pranked Richard back when George was staying with Richard in the early days of his career.
According to George, Richard had a cat, and every time Richard was away, George makes sure he trashes the cat’s excreta and disposes of it properly, the act made Richard scared because he has never come home to meet the cat’s poop in its box, ignorant of George’s hand in the poop disappearance, Richard thought the cat was constipated, this was mostly because George always denied ever cleaning the cat’s box.
Now, the day Richard found out that he was being pranked was the day George pooped inside the cat’s box, “The light bulb, you know, goes off and I realized what I must do, which is take a s— in the cat box, he’s in there for like a minute, and I don’t hear anything and then, all of a sudden, I hear, ‘Oh, my God!” George said he came in when he heard Richard calling God, he couldn’t help himself, he laughed so hard he teared up, and that was how Richard realized what has been happening. “I come in and I just, tears coming down my eyes, I’m laughing, and slowly he figures it out, he gets madder and madder and, finally, he’s like, ‘I understand humor. defecation doesn’t make me laugh.'”
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Editorial credit: Denis Makarenko /