Is Ben Affleck Caught In The Middle Between Jennifer Lopez And Jennifer Garner

Now this is a situation that no man would want to be in, regardless if you are famous or not. There’s a new report that suggests Ben Affleck has found himself caught in the middle of a brewing war between his wife, Jennifer Lopez, and his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

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Is Ben Affleck Caught In The Middle Between Jennifer Lopez And Jennifer Garner

According to a new report, Jennifer Lopez is apparently none too pleased that Garner slighted her in the press recently when she suggested that she did everything she could to make sure she and Affleck were never seen in the tabloid headlines. For anyone who knows how Lopez operates, she loves the attention that she gets from the press regardless if it’s good or bad.

Garner once said, “I really work hard not to see either of us in the press. It doesn’t make me feel good, even if it’s something nice about one of us. I don’t need to see anyone in my family made into a meme. Although, I’m sure he’s quite meme-worthy, yes!”

One source close to the situation now says that the offhanded remark is not sitting very well with the chart topper and that it sounds like a “real F-you as far as J Lo sees it.”

Did Jennifer Garner Shame Jennifer Lopez?

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A source close to the situation even said, “It’s Jennifer’s way of saying Ben looks miserable and all his appearances in public are lame. How could J Lo not take it personally? Part of her wants to fire back and tell Jennifer off, but she’s smart enough not to make too much of a scene publicly. So it’ll be up to Ben to play referee. It’s Ben’s worst nightmare. It’s just a matter of time before those two women butt heads.”

So far Ben Affleck himself has not made any comments about the matter but should a war of words erupt over Garner and Lopez, we’ll be the first ones to report it. Watch this space.

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Editorial credit: Tinseltown /

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Ben AffleckBen Affleck NewsBen Affleck spoilersBen Affleck updatesJennifer LopezJennifer Lopez NewsJennifer Lopez spoilersJennifer Lopez updates
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