Is Robin Roberts Leaving Good Morning America

With the revolving doors on all of today’s morning talk shows, it’s almost impossible to keep track of which host is supposed to be where any more. 

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But, Good Morning America fans were quick to notice Robin Roberts’ absence from the show last week and are convinced she may have quit or been axed.

Why Was Robin Roberts Missing From Good Morning America

It’s not unusual for sudden switch-ups of hosts on Good Morning America.  On Friday May 26, Michael Strahan took the GMA stage without Robin Roberts or George Stephanopoulus. 

White Johnson and Juju Chang joined Strahan to even out the stage and fill the empty seats.  But, no one really addressed where Robin Roberts or George were and why they were absent.

Is Robin Roberts Leaving Good Morning America

It wasn’t long before social media lit up with rumblings that Robin Roberts was leaving the show.  The rumors aren’t exactly absurd, after all isn’t this how every other cast member’s exit starts? 

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First, they start being inexplicably absent, then the “sources” start revealing that there are contract negotiation issues or backstage feuds.  So, seeing Robin Roberts absent created some serious speculation on social media.

Robin Roberts Parties At Taylor Swift Concert

However, Robin Roberts popped up on Instagram to clear up the confusion.  As it turns out, she had a VERY good reason to not show up to work, she was with Taylor Swift (sort of). 

Roberts posted a series of images on social media revealing that she was kicking off her Memorial Day weekend early and had traveled to New Jersey to attend the Taylor Swift concert at MetLife stadium.  Judging from Roberts’ videos, the Good Morning America host had great seats and had the time of her life.

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It’s safe to say that Robin Roberts is not leaving Good Morning America any time soon.  Are you a fan of her on GMA?  Would you be sad to see her go?  Let us know what you think in the comments below and keep checking back here for more Good Morning America news and updates.  

Editorial credit: Leonard Zhukovsky /

Good Morning AmericaRobin RobertsRobin Roberts leaving GMARobin Roberts newsRobin Roberts spoilersRobin Roberts updates
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