James Corden Get’s A Mouth Watering Offer From Balthazar Owner Keith McNally

James Corden Get's A Mouth Watering Offer From Balthazar Owner Keith McNallyBalthazar Owner Keith McNally has returned once again to request an apology from James Corden. This time around, Keith is asking James to apologize to the two servers who complained to him that they were insulted by James. Keith added that if James apologizes to the two servers, he’ll let James eat at his restaurant “free” for ten years.

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Keith’s offer to James came following the interview James had with The New York Times on Thursday, Oct. 20. In the interview, James made an attempt to clear his name by saying that the story was over-egged by the media, that he didn’t do anything wrong.

James Corden — What Brought About The Apology And Free Food Offer?

For the benefit of those just tuning in to the James and Keith drama, let me brief you guys on how it all started.

On Monday, Oct. 17, the owner of Balthazar restaurant Keith McNally made an Instagram post that called out the “Late Late Show Host” James Corden. In the post, Keith said that James is “a hugely gifted comedian, but a tiny cretin of a man.” Keith then went on to say that James insulted two of his servers the day James came to his restaurant. According to Keith, James is “the most abusive customer to my Balthazar servers since the restaurant opened 25 years ago.”

Keith stretched that he got the report from the two servers, he also explained that it wasn’t the first time James talked down at his employees who came to serve James, adding that he has received reports from two different managers on two different occasions. Keith concluded his post by banning the actor from stepping foot in his restaurant again.

The following day being Tuesday, Oct. 18, James apologized to Keith for being rude to his workers, and Keith forgave him and also lifted the ban. In the post that Keith made regarding James’ apology, Keith said, “Having f—ed up myself more than most people, I strongly believe in second chances,” he also added that “all is forgiven.”

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James Corden — Keith’s Reaction To James’ Interview

Apparently, James’ denial of not doing anything wrong didn’t sit well with Keith because the following day, Keith made another post concerning the issue and said, “I’ve no wish to kick a man when he’s down. Especially one who’s worth $100 Million, but when James Corden said in yesterday’s NY Times that he hadn’t done ‘anything wrong, on any level,’ was he joking? Or was he denying being abusive to my servers?”

Continuing, Keith said, “Whatever Corden meant, his implication was clear: he didn’t do it.” Keith went on to acknowledge his absence on the day James had the altercation with his workers but he explained that “lots of my restaurant’s floor staff did. They had nothing to gain by lying. Corden did.”

Keith then went on to say, “I wish James Corden would live up to his Almighty initials and come clean. If the supremely talented actor wants to retrieve the respect he had from all his fans (all 4 of them) before this incident, then he should at least admit he did wrong.” In conclusion, Keith said, “If he goes one step further and apologizes to the 2 servers he insulted, I’ll let him eat for free at Balthazar for the next 10 years.”

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Be sure to catch up on everything happening with James Corden right now. Come back here often for all the James Corden’s spoilers, news, and updates.

Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Celebrity NewsJames Cordenkeith McnellyNew York Times
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