Johnny Depp Co-Star Teases ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean 6’ Plot Twist With Jack Sparrow!

Johnny Depp has delighted fans in films ranging from “Edward Scissorhands” to “Fantastic Beasts.” But many associate Depp most with his iconic Captain Jack Sparrow in “Pirates Of The Caribbean.” However, when Amber Heard alleged that the actor had abused her, producers dropped Johnny from that role.

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As a result of Depp winning his defamation trial, though, rumors have soared that Johnny could return. And now one of his co-stars has reflected on the possibility. Get the details below.

Johnny Depp – Co-Star Greg Ellis Praises Actor

Greg Ellis has known Johnny Depp for 20 years. Now 54, the actor told Fox News about their friendship, his views on his co-star, and the possibility of strolling along the Pirates film franchise plank again. And he also recalled their first meeting in Los Angeles for the initial table read of “Pirates Of The Caribbean.”

Since then, Ellis and Depp have co-starred in four films. And Greg offered an unexpected perspective in discussing Johnny’s children as well as career. “Well, you know, we’ve worked on four movies now,” began Ellis. “I’ve known him for over 20 years. Our kids went to school together, not in the same class all year,” he clarified. “But [they] happened to go to the same school.”

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And Depp’s co-star reflected on Johnny’s character as seen in the people he hires. For instance, Johnny picked security guards to protect their children’s school. But although that could have seemed scary, Depp took care to choose “affable and friendly” guards, noted Ellis. “And they were kind of a reflection of who he is. You know, they weren’t intimidating and mean spirited. They were just good and nice people there to protect all the kids.”

Johnny Depp – , ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean 6,’ And A Plot Twist!?

As a result of their strong friendship, Ellis experienced an emotional response to Johnny Depp winning the trial. “Elated, relieved and very emotional,” admitted Depp’s co-star. “It is exceedingly rare for someone who is tagged as the respondent who has been put in the cross-hairs with the false allegation of domestic violence — the silver bullet — to come out and get any kind of semblance of a victory, let alone have a voice.”

But beyond the win, Ellis praised Depp’s “humanity and the spirit and gentle nature of the man. He was consistent and only took responsibility for his faults and the mistakes that he made,” pointed out Johnny’s co-star. And then Ellis offered an unexpected insight into the future of the Pirates film franchise. As a result of Depp’s win, rumors have swirled that “Pirates Of The Caribbean 6” could feature Depp’s return as Jack Sparrow. But Ellis offered an unusual plot twist to make that possible!

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Would movie goers flock to a “Pirates of the Caribbean 6” without Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow? Depp’s co-star expressed doubt. But then he reflected on a way to reunite the entire cast including Depp.

“And it would be kind of the icing on the cake, wouldn’t it?” pointed out Ellis. And he envisioned seeing “Jack Sparrow return triumphantly.” Because of the trial win, Ellis suggested writers “tie in something [where] the opening scene is a court of law. Him stumbling out of a court of law being successful? I don’t know. With papers in his hand. Who knows?” asked Ellis.

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that Johnny Depp should return to star as Jack Sparrow again? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news. 

Editorial credit: Denis Makarenko /

Johnny DeppJohnny Depp NewsJohnny Depp Pirates Of The CaribbeanJohnny Depp Pirates Of The Caribbean 6Johnny Depp updates
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  • Guest

    Yes I wouldn't was another with Johnny Depp playing in the movie

  • Guest

    No! Wife- beaters should be in prison!

  • Matt Ellis

    I want Johnny Depp to return as jack sparrow pirates because no one else can play that character there’s only one Johnny Depp I can play Jack sparrow so for the love of humanity please please let Johnny Depp play Jack sparrow again

  • Matt Ellis

    Are you high Johnny Depp is not I repeat not a wife beater there’s no proof she’s A liar

  • Guest

    No pirates of the Caribbean without JD