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Justin Bieber Fears Judge Judy For A Shocking Reason!

justin bieber

Justin Bieber seems to have finally achieved adulthood after some struggles. And his wife Hailey Bieber has helped her famous husband focus on family and music. But has Justin lost his fear of Judge Judy?

Find out the unexpected reason why Bieber wants to avoid the famous judge. And see what Judge Judy revealed. Get all the details below.

Justin Bieber – ‘Scared To Death’ Of Judge Judy!

Judge Judy claims that Justin Bieber fears her. And that belief stems from their years as next-door neighbors. Recalling Bieber’s early years as a pop star, the judge described her challenges with the young man via Fox News.

“He’s scared to death of me,” said Judge Judy about Justin. And she recalled “a period of time before he grew up. When he was foolish, and doing foolish things.” Bieber felt so scared of the judge that his security would alert the pop singer would she arrived or left her house.

And Judge Judy remembered Bieber’s early years as filled with bad behavior. “I must have said something about it, and then, I understood that he was paying the front door people to let them know when I was there, coming and going,” she added. “So he wouldn’t have to bump into me.” However, the judge did make her views on Justin public after his arrest for a DUI in 2014 at age 19.

Justin Bieber – Tended To Behave ‘Like A Fool,’ Says Judge Judy!

At the time of his arrest, Bieber had allegedly gotten drunk and then enjoyed a drag race in a Lamborghini in Miami. As a result, he received charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest and driving with a suspended license. And Judge Judy didn’t hold back on her views about the pop star. 

“Being a celebrity is a gift,” asserted Judge Judy. And she believes that Bieber faced two choices with his celebrity status at such a young age. “You could either treat it reverently or you could make a fool out of yourself. And he’s doing a very good job of making a fool out of himself,” she added.

But the judge also views Bieber’s past as “sad. And nobody’s going to remember that he was a marginal singer. But they’re going to remember a young kid who had a chance to have it all and who is blowing it by acting like a fool.”

Justin Bieber – Recalls His ‘Hurting’ Years

However, Justin managed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of reckless driving. As a result, the pop singer did not spend time in jail for his drag racing incident. But Bieber did donate to charity and took anger management classes.

And today, Justin feels differently about his past behavior. For instance, he recently admitted on Instagram that his arrest reflects his challenges at the time. “Not proud of where I was at in my life. I was hurting, unhappy, confused, angry, mislead, misunderstood and angry at God,” added Bieber.

But he added, “God has brought me a long way. From then til now I do realize something.. God was as close to me then as he is right now. My encouragement to you is to let your past be a reminder of how far God has brought you. Don’t allow shame to ruin your ‘today’ let the forgiveness of Jesus take over and watch your life blossom into all that God has designed you to be,” concluded Justin.

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Justin Bieber’s past compared with his present? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news.

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