Kamala Harris Intimidated By Donald Trump’s VP Pick

Kamala Harris has every reason to be concerned about the future. And that’s not just because there’s a chance that Donald Trump might win the White House again, but also because she might end up having to debate his new VP pick.

AMP in the post

In fact, the current Vice President dodged a question when she was asked whether or not she would debate Trump’s running mate. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Celeb News – Kamala Harris Frightened By Donald Trump’s VP Pick

Is she ready to go back on the podium again? That’s what a lot of fans can’t help but wonder. But it seems like Kamala Harris doesn’t want to reveal too much, too soon.

That has a lot of people in her own party worried as they don’t know if she can take on Trump and his new running mate, whoever that will be. And let’s just say that it certainly won’t be Mike Pence or anyone from Trump’s past cabinet.

Celeb News – What’s Next For Kamala Harris?

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Then again, Kamala Harris hasn’t had the best week, the best month, or even the best year for that matter.

There was a lot of speculation that Michelle Obama was going to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic party’s new nominee, simply because of his age and the decline in his cognitive state.

Even though Kamala is the VP, everyone wanted to see Michelle Obama take Joe Biden’s place, which has certainly given her a reason to feel sour about the entire ordeal.

Should anything happen to Joe Biden, Kamala will automatically become the next president of the United States. But her own party doesn’t think she’s good enough for the job. 

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That said, Kamala Harris herself has not made any comments about the matter. 

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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  • Marlene

    I am sick of these demonic Rats.

  • Bill

    That’s what happens when someone, especially that high on the food chain is selected strictly on the basis of diversity. Biden and the party certainly had much stronger and better candidates to choose from.

  • Bob Crawford

    The thought of Harris becoming president is terrifying. I can’t imagine how much damage she could do.

  • Frank

    I don’t think she’s scared about jailbird VP pick,I don’t vote for colors red or blue, I used common sense,why I vote for anyone with legal problems like 45,oh yeah his VP chose is probably Putin

  • Marlene

    Absolutely, Bill. Kamala was chosen because of her skin tone, not her credentials. DemonicRats did this to pull in those Voters. When will people realize that that is exactly what demon.cRats do. Basically, it’s called liars or lying. It’s really sad that that’s what they need to do to get votes. People need to stop believing demonicRat lies. Always do the research. There definitely is a two tier system. DemonicRats are given whatever they want and sadly people believe them without doing the research.

  • Randu

    I think she should debate Trump,VP pick

  • Dytania

    I think you sound like a Republican who want people to believe the propaganda.

  • Adele

    I do not want Biden, Harris or Obama as president.
    What has Biden done for us NOTHIN

  • Robert Walker

    I wouldn’t vote for commie Harris for anything above dogcatcher

  • Mist

    Biden had classified docs at his home, in boxes, in an open garage. And he’s not being brought up on charges. But Trump had doc inside, same thing, why isn’t Biden being roasted over the coals also. Demorats have done nothing for Americans. Look at the border!!

  • Karen Mchugh

    Yes that is the only way Biden got in as President is by bring on Kamala. He knew what he was doing. She is worthless as a VP. She lucked out just for the color of her skin. Sad Country that people vote by color and not Brain’s

  • MB

    When you say things like “Everyone wanted Michelle Obama to run in place of Biden” that is simply not true! When you say things like “cognitive decline” is also pure speculation on your part. Finally not all Democrats are afraid of Kamala Harris as VP! So when you write an article stop inserting your own unfounded thoughts ( or wishes) and be factual, if you can’t do that then you should consider another line of work. A very sloppy article!

  • Brent

    Kamala Harriis is an incompetent VP. God forbid she becomes president!! She is nothing but a token for the Democrats!

  • William

    Biden/Harris. Everyone knows they are just puppets on a string. Both of them are too incompetent to be in charge of anything of importance. There is a puppet master(s) in the White House ( Obamas’s Minions) in charge.

  • Marcus

    That’s republican hyperbole. It is always thought Blacks are not qualified. I would fall off my chair even if one white person said a we were qualified to do anything! So sad!