Kevin Costner’s Estranged Wife Wants $175K Monthly Child Support

Kevin Costner recently enjoyed a short visit to Scotland. But the Yellowstone actor’s return to California came amid more divorce drama.

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And a new report reveals that his estranged wife Christine has requested a boost in child support.

Find out what Costner’s wife has demanded for child support. And learn how his income resulted in the new numbers. Get all the details below.

Kevin Costner – Battles Estranged Wife Amid Divorce

And the divorce wars continue for Kevin Costner. After a visit to Glasgow, Scotland, the Yellowstone actor, 68, headed back home to Santa Barbara, California.

And he returned just in time for another divorce-centered court hearing, according to People.

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Costner’s estranged wife Christine, 49, wants $175,057 each month in child support. But that sum represents a $46,000 boost from the $129K she now receives.

And court documents state, “Forensics has determined that [Kevin’s] average cash flow available for support for the two-year period of 2021 and 2022 was $19,248,467 per year ($1,604,039 per month).”

Because of the dollar figures and a “50/50 parenting time share,” the court documents note that child support amounts to “$175,057 per month. Christine brings this request in order to uphold these Family Law principles.” And the documents also seek to “assure that the parties’ three minor children will continue to have the benefit of the lifestyle that has been made possible by Kevin’s substantial earnings and wealth.”

Kevin Costner – Could Need To Pay Retroactive Sum

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However, the legal paperwork also shows that the actor’s “various accounts and entities had a total of $17,293,117 in cash equivalents as of June 30, 2023.” And the court documents continue to claim that Costner possesses “ample funds to pay his support and also to pay the attorneys’ fees and costs for both parties.” As a result, the documents justifying the increased amount note, “$175,057 per month will not be sufficient to replicate Kevin’s lifestyle.”

However, the legal paperwork adds, “It will be sufficient to allow [Christine] to provide a lifestyle for the children which is relatively comparable.” And if the judge approves the new request, the order becomes “retroactive to July 1.” But the documents also note that the court must “set child support at a level that, when the children are with Christine, they live a lifestyle relatively comparable to the one they enjoy when they are with their father.”

Christine and Kevin were married for 18 years before she filed for divorce on May 1. The Yellowstone actor shares three children with his estranged wife.

They co-parent two sons, Cayden, 16, and Hayes, 14, and a daughter Grace, 13.

Kevin Costner’s Estranged Wife Argues Over Premarital Agreement

And based on a court order, Christine has moved out of the house that the family shared. An insider described her as “focused on making sure everyone is as happy and comfortable as possible. She was very calm and focused about the deposition. It didn’t seem to bother her.”

Because of the estranged couple’s premarital agreement, Christine could receive a $1.5 million payout. But she now claims she experienced pressure to sign that agreement.

However, Costner’s spokesperson kept the split announcement brief. And the rep shared, “Circumstances beyond his control have transpired which have resulted in Mr. Costner having to participate in a dissolution of marriage action.”

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about the increased child support demands? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news.

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