Khloe Kardashian Infuriates ‘The Kardashians’ Fans By Cuddling Her New Baby In Hospital Bed: Here’s Why!

Khloe Kardashian stole the spotlight in Hulu’s The Kardashians season 2 premiere. And fans longing to see her son with Tristan Thompson got their wishes fulfilled. But the show also sparked controversy about a publicity photo showing Khloe with her baby, born via a surrogate. 

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Find out why so many viewers got angry at Kardashian. And learn what the season 2 premiere revealed. Get all the details below.

Khloe Kardashian – Sparks Backlash Over Baby Boy: Here’s Why!

Tristan Thompson and Khloe Kardashian co-parent a daughter True, age 4. But even before True arrived in the world, Tristan cheated on Khloe. As a result, fans felt shocked to learn that Kardashian chose Thompson to father her second child, a baby boy. And the reality TV star faced a backlash over picking a man who had cheated on her repeatedly.

However, a photo showing Khloe in a hospital bed cuddling her baby boy also sparked controversy. In the picture, Kardashian looks joyful in the bed. But the image implied that Khloe had given birth to the infant that she held. And that false narrative angered fans for several reasons, noted Yahoo.

First, some viewers of The Kardashians felt that Kardashian seemed arrogant in posing in a hospital bed as if she had gone through the pregnancy. And others felt that the reality TV star appeared insensitive to the surrogacy process and her surrogate mother. “It’s bad enough men trying to erase women,” noted one commentator. “But when a woman tries to airbrush the birthing mother out of the picture it makes me feel a bit sick.”

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Khloe Kardashian – Bonds With Her Baby Boy On ‘The Kardashians’

After viewing the season 2 premiere of The Kardashians, some fans did praise Khloe. And those viewers shared their appreciation of Kardashian’s efforts to bond with her new son. However, the majority expressed anger at the hospital bed scene.

For example, some fans claimed that the scene echoed Handmaids’ Tale. That comment refers to Margaret Atwood’s novel describing a world in which fertile women must give birth for leaders’ women, who in turn fake their role as the children’s mothers. And one fan called Khloe “deplorable” for “renting a womb, commissioning a baby, erasing the surrogate mother and the realities of her experience and posing in a hospital bed as if that cost and reality was hers.”

Many viewers of The Kardashians felt that Khloe posed in a hospital bed because it offered a better photo op. And adding to that theory, the family’s publicity machine released that hospital pic on the day that season 2 premiered. The debut episode included the background to the baby’s arrival. And it also sought empathy for Khloe in revisiting how Tristan Thompson had cheated on her repeatedly.

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Tell us what you think. Do you agree with viewers who feel that Khloe Kardashian posing in a hospital bed as if she gave birth to the baby rather than a surrogate seems insensitive and arrogant? Or do you feel that the reality TV star just wanted to show her desire to bond with her new son? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news.

Hulu The KardashiansKhloe KardashianKhloe Kardashian baby boyKhloe Kardashian sonKhloe Kardashian surrogateKhloe Kardashian The KardashiansThe KardashiansThe Kardashians Season 2
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